samedi, décembre 24, 2005


Je vous souhaite un JOYEUX NOEL et une BONNE ANNEE.

vendredi, décembre 16, 2005

لـبـنـان، إلـى أيـن؟

لبنان ..إلى أين؟ إنه السؤال المطروح منذ تاريخه الطويل و الحافل بالأحداث. لبنان الجميل. أعتقد أن الأحداث الأخيرة في لبنان و لا سيما الأغتيالات منذ استشهاد دولة الرئيس رفيق الحريري، لا يمكن أن تتم دون علم السلطات الأمنية اللبنانية و الإستخبارات السورية في لبنان، و إلا فلماذا انتحر وزير الداخلية السوري و لماذا حاول السيد رستم غزالة، رئيس الإستخبارات السورية في لبنان الإنتحار؟ إن إغتيالات كبيرة الحجم على غرار الحريري لا يمكن ان تتم دون علم و تعاون سوري-لبناني. إن كانت تلك الحقيقة، فإن سوريا ستواجه صعوبات و عواقب وخيمة. كالعادة سيرمي عدد من العرب باللائمة على إسرائيل و الولايات المتحدة و كأننا غير قادرين، نحن العرب على الإغتيالات في حين أن تاريخنا لا يقل دموية عن تاريخ بقية الحضارات و الأمم. لا أعتقد أن ساسة لبنان و كبار رجاله بإمكانهم توجيه أصابع الإتهام إلى سوريا دون دلائل. الجميع يعلم كيف أن سوريا تعتبر لبنان جزءا لا يتجزأ من سوريا و الرئيس السوري الراحل حافظ الأسد كان قد أعطى أوامره لإغتيال كمال جنبلاط و الرئيس رينيه معوض و تصفية ميشال عون (لم تتم). من قتل أكثر من 25000من مواطنيه في حماة في الثمانينات لأنهم من السنة و الذين يمثلون 70% من الشعب السوري في حين أنه من الطائفة العلوية ذات الأقلية في سوريا 10-12 % و المسيطرة على الدولة و الحكومة و الجيش و حزب البعث و المخابرات، بإمكانه إغتيال الأجانب و إنهاء حياة أفراد و جماعات تؤمن بالحرية و الوطنية و الديمقراطية. عاش لبنان

jeudi, décembre 15, 2005



When I visited the United Nations headquarters in New York City, I bought a book named:" From Beirut to Jerusalem", written by Thomas L. Friedman, published by Anchor books, NY, 1989, 1990 & 1995.
This book give an image over the Middle East region since the Lebanese civil war till the mid 1990's.
With what's is happening now in Lebanon, I found in page 70 of the book this paragraph:"The biggest threat in my mind was from Syrians and the extreme pro-Syrian Palestinians groups. The Syrians did not take a joke well at all, and during a period in the late 1970's and early 1980's their agents in Beirut shot several Arabs & Western journalists, including Salim Al-Lawzi the editor of the popular Arabic weekly called EVENTS, who, in March 1980, was abducted in Beirut and found a short time later with a bullet in his head and his situations got so bad that many Lebanese were afraid to even mention the word "Syria" in public.
There was a joke that made the rounds during this period about a Lebanese man who ran up to a policeman and said:" Officer, Officer, s Swiss stole my Syrian watch"
The policeman gave him a quizzical look and said" What do you mean, a Swiss stole your Syrian watch? You mean a Syrian stole your Swiss watch."
The Lebanese man looked at the policeman and smiled. "You said it, Officer, not me."

mercredi, décembre 14, 2005


The continous operations of killing leaders in Lebanon is very very sad and sorrow. The fact of being lebanese and lived that story since 1975, the civil war and the fact of trying to re-build the country, let me being proud of them, their freedom and their democracy. Today, we say goodbye to Gebran Tueni (1957-2005). We will continue the way. The question that I am asking my self: Is Syria involved in the differents attacks? I think yes! Or why did the syrian minister of interior suicided, why Rostem Ghazella, tried to sucide,too? Is Israel or USA behind the attacks? I asked Leabnese friends and they told me that Syria was colonised Lebanon, that's all!
The problem will be more dangerous if it will be clear that Syria is involved, because I do not believe that a simple decision of killing Rafic Hariri, would be taken by the Syrian Secret Services without taking a green light from Bachar Al Assad!
I hope no!
I can guess now why Lebanon is a wonderful country, it is because of the large numbers of martyrs who gave their lives in order to bring independence to Lebanon.
Long Live Lebanon.
Je suis très triste sur ce qui se passe sur la scène Libanaise. Etre d'origine Libanaise, mais loin du Liban, me rends beaucoup plus triste. Aujourd'hui nous nous rendons hommage à Gebran Tueni (1957-2005).
La question qui se pose: à quel degré la Syrie est impliquée? Je ne crois pas qu'une décision de tuer Rafic Hariri, ou les autres journalistes et politiciens, pourrait être prise sans le consentement des hauts fonctionnaires syriens: Le président Bachar Al Assad. Si c'est la vérité, ca sera l'anarchie totale!

samedi, décembre 10, 2005


I went to Carrefour with some friends to do "shopping", and I bought a Christmas Tree with its decoration. I am sure that you are going to ask why did I buy it however I am muslim??!
I saw the same question marks on their faces, but arrived to our shared house, I was preparing the dinner when was of my friends who did not go with us, entred the kitchen reading some verses from the Holy Koran. I did not pay attention to him. I thought that there is something to say or to joke with me, because one time I was late and I was at the kitchen dinning, the others where at the living room watching the TV set, when I found the picture of Ben Laden, Al Zawaheri and Abu Mossab Al Zarqawee, my friends left it in purpose because they know how much I hate those persons. But it was not like that. When my friend entred the kitchen he was not joking. He was angry. Angry because I bought a christmas tree. You have to know that that friend hate the israelis, hate the americans, hate the jewish, does not believe in peace or negotiating, does not accept the other point of view! I considered him as an extremist!
He was shouting on my face and crying, asking why did I buy it, etc..etc..; the others were just observing us. When I knew that he was not joking I replied. He did not like my response because it was " so dry" as my friends qualified it. I told him that that it was not his business. I AM FREE. When I bought the Christmas Tree, not because of religion. I bought it to have a fun with my little brothers in decorating it and also because we have a tradition to spend the New Year Eve with our grand parents, so I liked to have a fan! Why all the time, we try to overturn the ideas and the thoughts of each other? The fact of buying a Christmas Tree, does it hurt somebody? I do not think so. the only one who has to accept or refuse the tree is my father or mother. I bought it not as a religious symbol, I bought it to have fun with my brothers & sister, to use it as decoration.
I considered my friends as fanatic & extremist, and if he is continue to be like that, I will qualify him as a dangerous man.


vendredi, décembre 09, 2005


Le peuple Tunisien et un peuple qui vit des rumeurs. De Bizerte à Borj El Kardra, la rumeur "s'en flamme" comme le pétrole et le feu. J'ai pour autant voulu faire la prière à la mosquée EL Abidine de Carthage, mais beaucoup d'amis m'ont conseillés de ne pas le faire parcque la mosquée n'ouvre ses portes que pendant les cérèmonies relegieuses et sous invitations puisque le chef d'Etat s'y rends lui meme.
Dernièrement, j'était avec la mère d'une amie de Bahrain venant pour la 1ère fois en Tunisie. Nous étions à la Marsa, Sidi Bou Said et à Carthage. Et oui! Les portes de la mosquée étaient ouvertes pour les croyants pratiquants! C'étais la priere de "Eddohr" .
The Tunisians like so much rumors and "fixes". from Bizerta to Borj El Kadra, the rumors spread widly like a cancer. I liked so much pray at El Abidine Mosque in Carthage, but many of my friends had told me that the Mosque is closed and that it does not open except during the religious ceremonies under invitations because the President attend them.
during the last days, I was in company of my friend's mom coming for the first time to Tunisia. We visted la Marsa, sidi bou said and Carthage. Yes! The Mosque doors were open. It was a prayer time. the mosque was not closed.

mardi, décembre 06, 2005


As I loaded pictures of the most famous places in Was. D.C; I will inform you a little bit about it.
Washignton D.C., is located at the confluence of the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers, between the states of Maryland and Virginia.
Named for George Washignton and Christopher Columbus, the city was created as the seat of the federal government by an act of congress in 1970.
Pierre L'Enfant, a French soldier and engineer, laid out the plans for the ferderal city.
The Mall, located between Constitution and Independence Avenues, forms the axisof the city, with the United States Capitol Building to the east and the Lincoln Memorial to the west. The Smithsonian Institution, which includes the famous Air and Space Musuem, the Hirshhorn Musuem and Sculpture Garden, the freer and the Sackler Galleries (Asian Art), the African Art Musuem, the Musuem of the American Indian, the Musuem of American History and the Musuem of the Natural History, borders the Mall to the north and south.The White House, the Washignton Monument, the National Gallery of Art, the Vietnam Memorial, the National rchives ( which exhibits the original U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence), the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Musuem, the World War II Memorial, and the Thomas Jefferson Memorial are also located on or near the Mall.
These builded buildings and Memorials, form a Cross, but this is not a relegious symbol, it is taken from the anciant egyptian civilization where the Cross symbolizes the Power.
one of the most picturesque residential section of Washington is: Georgetown.
When you visit USA, do not miss to visit Washington D.C.
Have a nice travel!


lundi, décembre 05, 2005


Here we are, in the front of the US congress known as The Capitol Hill.


As usual, during our pictures taking, never did we pay attention to the cameras, at least some of us. Here, Sara (Iraq, at your left) was busy by her camera. Poor Mr. Moataz. he is an Egyptian guy, married to a Tunisian woman and working as interpreter in the US Department of State. I adviced him to work as journalist photograph, because during our stay of three weeks in the USA, he was our official photographers ;) , you can imagine his situation when we ask him to take pictures to the group with 19 cameras!


It was a Sunday. it was sunny. We were accompanied by a very charming touristic guide: Chelsea.


I arrived to Washignton D.C. on Saturday September 17th, 2005 after 8 hours of flying from Paris Charles De Gaulle.
It was 19H00 EST Time, 02H00 Sunday, in Tunisia.
Approaching to the Airport, I was sleeping when an American Lady, Gazelle, sitting beside me punched me. I wake up, she said: "welcome to the United States, Yamen".
On Dulles Washington International Airport, I found Mrs. Aida, later Mom Aida, from the US. Departmnet of State waiting me. She accompanied us, I and three girls, to our Hotel: Lincoln Suites Hotel. The fact of being in the State was amazing. In our route from the airport untill the hotel, I had a aspecial feeling at that moment: I liked to hug everything!
The following day in the morning, I went down to have my breakfast. At the room I found a group of youth sitting around two or three tables, and talking in arabic. I murmured: "are they part of my group?", I went to them, I presented my self and asked them if they are part of the International Visitor Program. Their answer was positive. Here the grantees:
- I, from TUNISIA
- Shaima, from BAHRAIN
- Samar, from BAHRAIN
- Hebatallah, from EGYPT
- Adham, from EGYPT
- Mohammed, from GAZA, PALESTINE
- Mahmoud, from GAZA, PALESTINE
- Zahra, from ISRAEL ( Palestinian of 1948)
- Lamiaa, from MOROCCO
- Sanaa, from MOROCCO
- Siba, from LEBANON
- Ammar, from JORDAN
- Abla, from SAUDI ARABIA
- Sara, from IRAQ
- Abdulaziz, from U.A.E
- Heba, from YEMEN
- Raidan, from YEMEN
We were 19 students. They were very nice people that it is very hard to forget. I will write articles and putting pictures in their Loving Memories.

dimanche, décembre 04, 2005


During the World Summit on The Information Society I served as volunteer. I served as an agent of welcome and protocol at Tunis Carthage International Airport. The group with which I was, were very nice. We spent almost 20 days together, welcoming more than 17 000 guests and officials.
In fact I liked to write this article after reading that of Kartago news and seeing the picture of the Israeli palne landing in Djerba and showing the Tuniso-Israeli flag putting by Zizou from Djerba.
I will confess you that I welcomed the Israeli delegation during their arrival to Tunis and I was at their farwell during their departure, too.
Leaving the plane, I started talking to them. I noticed that many of them had visited Tunisia many times and one of them talked to me in our Tunisian dialect, yes! He said: "y3aichek".
It was nice talking to Israeli's, knowing their point of view on hot topics like the peace process in the Middle East, the relationships with the Arabs, our common future plans, why not?
During my stay in the United States, and during my visit to San Francisco ( California State), I was invited with my group, some of them Palestinians, to have a dinner with an American-Jewis family and their friends. In our route, it was clear that my Palestinian friends, although with us a Palestinian girl of 1948 with an Israeli nationality was with us, they were sad. They hated the idea to meet jewish dirung our stay. Personnally, I was wainting that moment, but things changed since our arrival.
The Rosenbaum family lived in a very luxurious area nearby San Francisco. They welcomed us with big smile and affection.
We were surprised to find palestinian home made food! To close the host, we put an Arabic CD and we started dancing arabic at their garden. Mrs. Elika Rosenbaum put the Palestinian Koffia and she danced arabic. We left their home very happy by meeting them and we wrote at their Golden Visitors Copy book words of Peace. I will never forget them!
Back to our Israeli's visitors, what I noticed is that the Tunisians did not give an importance to the presence of the Israeli's. Even those who are against the State of Israel, they were neutral. Perhaps, some volunteers disliked my welcome of the Israeli delegation, I DO NOT CARE.
I AM NOT A SPY. I choose the way of peace, tolerence and brotherhood and I will die for that.
Answering the questions and thoughts of some bloggers, the fact of having an contact with Israeli's doesn't mean that we are betraying the Palestinian case, not at all! I hope to establish peace between us and the Israeli's but in the same time I will keep strong believe in establishing the Independent State Of Palestine.
One of the bloggers talked about the Israel's bombarded of Hammam El Chat where Tunisians and Palestinians died. I believe taht it was a honour to us to die with the Palestinians and that history will record that and will record our welcome to the Palestinian Liberation Organisation and the Palestinian Leader Yaser Arafat. But, that bombarding doesn't mean to cut the way of peace. We can build bridges of communications. The Germans invaded Europe. Hitler had done a lot in Austria, Czeck Republic, France, U.K and other nations. Do the European continue their hate to the Germans because of history?, Do we, the Tunisians, were protected by the French since 1881? Do the Algerians, with their over a million of martyrs, continued their hate to France? Of course, NO. Now, we collaborate with the French, the Turkish, the Spanish and the British. The Eyropean are collaborating with the Germans. The Americans collaborate with the Russians. LIFE CONTINUES.
I accompanied Mrs. Eilat Sigal, an Israeli woman coming to attend a coference held by her husband, in our route we talked about all the issues that I said. We had a common point of view: we have to educate our children about love, peace, tolerence and brotherhood. The mistake that we are continuing to do, we the Arabs and the Israeli's, is that we still changing hate and educating our children on that. THIS IS A MISTAKE. May I ask you a question: how do you feel when you see the Israeli flag, not only in Tunisia, but even in TV, even a TV broadcsting from Tel Aviv? Could you answer that. What? I can not hear you? Ah! Yes, you dislike it, you feel angry, you remember the martyrs, you remember the documentaries, you hate it, it is a symbol of zionism, it is a symbol of raper, it is, it is, it is...
You are on the wrong rails! All of that is because of history and education. Why you do not have the same feelings towards the French flag, or the Turkish, or the Spanish, or the German?.. You see how you are illogical!
You have to know that we share the Israeli's and the Amereican what is happening to us. We did and we do and we are going to continue doing mistakes, too.
To finish, I am proud of welcoming the Israeli delegation during their stay in Tunis. They were nice people [I am not talking from political side], I welcomed Palestinians, too. Never will I let them down. I like just continue using the logic not feelings.
I believe in Peace and I will continue. You will never know what does it mean live in terror and fear, I tried it when I was in New York City during a terrorist allert. If you were on my place, you used to imagine 9/11 attacks and those of London, too.
I hope that you will understand my article.
( choose the picture of Mrs. Elika Rosenbaum, Us-Jewish, dancing Arabic, San Francisco, CA)

vendredi, décembre 02, 2005


It was a long period since I did not write something new. would you excuse me?. I was visiting the United States, then I w served as volunteer during the World Summit On The Information Society WSIS Tunis 2005, add to that the reaserch that I am making on my thesis. So I was so so busy, but really I miss the tunisian bloggers alot.
I will start writing about what happened to me during the last three months.
For you, I choose this pictures of my group nineteen, when we were in Charlotte, in North Carolina State. It is the speedway of NASCAR.
Il y en avait un logtemps que j'étais absent de la sphère des bloggeurs. Veuillez m'excuser. En fait j'étais trop occupé par ma visite aux Etats Unis, ma participation au SMSI Tunis 2005 et de continuer la recherche concernant mon mémoire.
Vous me manqué tous, notammant les bloggeurs tunisiens.
Je vous ai choisi cette photo du groupe 19, lors de notre visit à Charlotte, dans l'Etat de Caroline du Nord. C'est le circuit de NASCAR.

mercredi, octobre 12, 2005


Here I am in Tunisia after a 3 week trip to the United States. Before writing articles and articles about my trip, my friends and what we saw there, let me asking you to visit these 2 website:
( Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation)
( the blog that we created, me and the group who visited the states, to keep in touch.)
So please encourage us and visit them from time to time.
Thank youy.
Me voilà en Tunisie apres une visite de 3 semaines aux Etats-unis. avan de commencer à écrire des articles et des articles sur mon voyage,permettez moi SVP de vous demander de visiter ces 2 site web:
Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation
Le blog qu'on a creeer pour rester en contact.
SVP, encouragez nous par les visiter d'un temps à autre.

vendredi, septembre 30, 2005


A lot of stories to tell you about my trip to the States. Just wait my comeback to tunisia. after Washington DC and Charlotte, now I am in San Francisco.
See you.

mardi, septembre 27, 2005


Here I am in Washington D.C, the capital of the USA. It is a very nice city, well organised, very green and full of monuments and musuems. When I left it to join Charlotte in North Carolina, where I am now, my heart has been broken. Next step is San Fransisco then New York.

vendredi, septembre 02, 2005


I will be in USA in the next few days after receiving an invitation from the U.S. Department of State and The White House. The program is very diversed and cool. Leaders, politicains and academics from different countries will be present. I will represent Tunisia. People are coming from palestine, morocco, egypt, iraq, israel, saudi arabia, lebanon, yemen and bahrain. I am just worry about the long journey that I will make and the other journeys inside USA. See you from Washington. Be Connected..

mercredi, août 31, 2005


Today, August 31st, 2005, exactly there is eight years ago since the tragic death of Lady Diana, princess of Wales in a car crash in Paris. Born in Sandringham, a royal estate from a known aristocratic family, living with her father after the divorce of her mother, 3rd in line after two girls and before the birth of the unique Spencer's boy, studying in England then in Switzerland, she was not brave. Backing to england and living in a flat in London shared with her friends, she worked as baby sitter. She was chosen by Prince Charles to be the futur Queen. Married in 1981, she gave birth to two sons, futur kings of UK. Problems were seen. Her marriage was crowd because of the presence of Camilla, Charles's mistress. She disliked divorcing and living as her parents, she tried to solve her wedding, but in vail. Divorced in 1996. She started her own life and business. She was too loved by the international community and the public. knowing a lot of men, Dodi Al Fayed seemed to be her true love. But the finish was tragical. May God Bless Her Soul.
8 ans dejà dès le décé tragique de la Princesse Diana, ce 31 aout à paris. Issue d'une famille britannique aristocrate. Etudiante en Angleterre, puis en suisse, elle ait de retour à Londres ou elle partagée un appartement avec ces amies et travaillant comme baby sitter. Choisit par le Prince Charles pour etre sa futur femme et future reine. Marriée en 1981, puis donnant naissance à ces deux fils, futurs rois du Royaume-Uni. Elle a eu des problemes sentimentales ainsi que saniataire, le divorce du coulpe royale été déclaré en 1996 alors qu'elle a éssayée de l'éviter pour ne pas vivre la meme experience que ces parents divorcés. Elle a connue un grand succé international due à son humanisme et les causes qu'elle a battu pour ou contre. Connaissant beaoucoup de mecs, elle a cru avoir trouver son vrai amour, Dodi Al Fayed. Mais leur fin était trop tragique. Que Dieu Bénisse Leurs Ames.

mardi, août 30, 2005


"Everyone needs to feel valued. Everyone has the potential to give something back."

Diana, Princess of Wales


Born on July 1st and died on August 31st. it seems like that she lived just for two months. Two months full of avtivities, love, compassion, humanity and hate. Lady Diana, Princess Of Wales. The most photographed woman in the world, still have an influence on her fans. In the last weeks, some secret agents from MI5 and MI6, British secret services, said that the princess was killed by mistake. Thay wanted to make her fear, to fright her in order to separate between her and Dodi Al Fayed and specially to let her to abort the baby by whom she is pregnant, if that information was true. Her children, Prince William and Prince Harry, asked us to forget Princess Diana and to stop talking about her. I reply. This is not your business. We love her and we will continue in doing that until the truth of her death.
Née le 1er juillet et décédée le 31 aout. On dirait qu'elle a vécu 2 mois pleins d'amour, de compassion, d'humanisme, et d'haine. La princess Diana, la femme la plus fotographiée du monde, continue d'influencer et d'inspirer ceux qui l'admirent. Des agents des sercices secrets britanniques ont avoués le fait de désirer separer entre Diana et Dodi Al Fayed sans les tués. Ces deux fils, Prince William et Prince Harry, nous ont demandés d'oublier leur mere. Ma réponse: Non. A jamais.

samedi, août 27, 2005


In the next few days will begin the celebrations of the death of Lady Diana, Princess Of Wales. 8 years ago, now. Many people are asking why do I love her? I answered. Because of a lot of things. Because of her life story, her style, her lovely and kind smile, her beauty, her humanity and her compassion. I was on the edge to know her, even to meet her when she dies. Never will I forget that day of August 30th, 1997. During that period I knew that she was spending her holiday in the mediterraneran with Dodi Al Fayed and she was planning to go back to England. In the morning I met my cousin in the street. He stopped me and said: " The Queen Diana, has died". I froze. Then I asked: "Queen..Diana..who dies? The Queen Elizabeth II or Princess Diana?". He added:" I do not know. The woman that you love. Go and ask my father. He knew" And he dissappear in the street. I runned to meet my oncle.
I found him watching the tv set showing ther news and the crash of the car. Dear Yamen..Lady Diana, Princess Of Wales..has died. It was like an earthquack. I called the British Ambassador Residence in La Marsa and I found his wife Mrs. Genevieve Edis. She comforted me a lot. We talked about Shy Di, the British Royal Family and about tyhe sadness, the sorrow and the shock over that death. The next day, I went to the British Embassy in Tunis ( At that time it was in Bab B'har, before moving to Les Bergers du Lac) where I was very well welcomed from the Embassy's staff. His Excellency the British Ambassador, the late Mr. Richard Edis ( Who died because of cancer, 2 years ago now) knew that I am coming. I put a flower, I wrote some words & I stayed for a few moment in silence. Another message, then a call with Mr. Mohammed Al Fayed to express my angry, sorrow, mourning and sadness. It was a terrible period. Saturday September 6th, 1997. It was the funeral of the Princess. Millions of people were in the streets of London and others were alongside the route from London to Althorp where the Princess's soul rests in peace. I made a promise that my Love and my respect to Diana are eternal & I am keeping my words.

jeudi, août 25, 2005

samedi, août 20, 2005


In less than a month 3 airline accidents costed the life of more than 33o passengers. This make me fear about travelling by air. I have a plan to make a short visit to the USA, but now I am thinking about cancelling it. The journey from Paris, London or Geneva, to Washington lasts at least 8 hours. I think about my friend, who will go to Nantes this sunday, too. When we were with him at a pub, we ( We and our friends) told him that in sunday we will follow the news. Any breaking news about an airline company problem, will let us starting in thinking about him.
In 1997, when I took a boeing 747, it was just weeks after a Saudi B-747 crashed in India killing the whole passengers and crew members & during the take off of the plane, I started in crying telling the hostess: " I do not like to die"!. I said this because before our departure, we faced problems with one engine. A black fume covered the plane. WHO SAID THAT TRAVELLING BY AIR IS VERY SECURED?


Today, Saturday August 20th, 2005; Spain gives tribute to the 17 soldiers killed in helicopter crash in Afghanistan. " Died when accomplished a honourable mission to serve peace, democratiy and freedom", said the spanish archbishop. In the presence of His Majesty the King Juan Carlos 1ero, Donna Sofia & los Principes de Asrurias, the Spanish nation saluates the soldiers. It was an emotional moment. In the same time, it let us thinking about those international peace keepers missions around the world: Afghanistan, South of Lebanon, Somalia, Ruwanda, Burundi, Angola, R.D. Congo, and Indonesia. They are accomplishing a human mission.

jeudi, août 18, 2005


Since August 15th, 2005, the Israeli government has started its withdrawal from Gaza strip. Some qualified it as freedom, others are talking about the big prison. Whatever it is, I think that it is an emotional occasion, a historical moment. Bad or good, what Ariel Sharon did, is very courageous. The first step in "launching" the state of Palestine. Today Gaza, tomorrow the whole land.

mardi, août 09, 2005


When one of the American politicains came to tunisia accompanied with 100 american students in Februrary 2005, we talked about a lot of subjects including, politics. I tried to transmit to them our point of view. I explained that we do not hate USA, we just hate the US administration policy toward us & toward Palestine.
When Al Qaeda attacked New York City WTC in 9/11, I was not happy. We are in the weak side. But I said to them too, that Hollywood, via the films making there, it gives a large ideas to make terrorist acts, inside & outside USA. The real danger, comes from there. Many films that
I watched, or that I am watching, are a source of ideas to make terror, to kill people..

BREAKING NEWS..خـبـر عـاجـل

DianaMagaZine will not attend the fifth tunisian bloggers meetup in Kélibia. I would to thank adib & the others for invinting me. But because of a family duties, I can not attend the meeting.
I hope that you will enjoy yourselves there and please take a lot of pictures. My heart and mind will be with you.

dimanche, août 07, 2005


Robin Cook, the former UK foreign secretary who resigned from Prime Minister Tony Blair's government over the 2003 invasion of Iraq, died after he collapsed while hill-walking in his native Scotland. He was 59.
(Source: Google News)

samedi, août 06, 2005


An ATR-72 has been crashed in front of Palermo in the mediterranean sea. 39 on board: 35 italian tourists and 4 members of the crew. The plane was enroute from Bari, Italy to Djerba, Tunisia. Until this morning, Sunday August 7th, 2005, the italian officials reported the death of 13, 23 survivors and 3 missing. Sicily's prosecutor denied a terrorist act. The two engines of the plane, named " Habib Bourguiba" and bought 13 years ago, turned off. The pilote tried to fly to Punta Raisi international Airport of Palermo to make an emergency landing, but he failed. The plane was divided in 3 parts. It was the first airline catastrophe to the Tunisian aviation history since 1948.
A day of mourning was claimed in the region of Bari.
May God bless all the victims.


British Prime Minister Tony Blair, took a decision to expell any person presents an express threat to the National British security or call for hate and religious violence. He was criticised for that decision which, primerly, is anti-Human rights. I say, NO. It is legal. It is very clear that United Kingdom is paying its guest to those fanatic people who run away from their countries, UK was for them a country of a total freedom, but then, they turned off againt the country which protected them & which gave them a refuge. One of the fanatic, called to establish an islamic country in the United Kingdom.I laughed a lot. Why this man is calling to change a legal regime, in a legal country? Who are you to call or to do this? You are inside them, they protected you, they give you to eat. You have just to close your mouth! Tony Blair is taking the right decision. His country is threatned & menaced. Yes! I know! You will remind me of Iraq. I will remind you, too, about what Saddam Hussein did! He killed thousands of people during his presidency. He was a man of war. He took the power by force. I was against his policy. And it was not important to me that he would or not stay in governing. It was an Iraqi pure question.But What he did by invaded Kuwait, in August 1990, was a big mistake. His argument that Kuwait was an entity of Iraq, is not true. Because of that, historically, Tripoli, the Libyan's capital was inside Tunisian's territory, Annaba, in Algeria, was inside Tunisian territory, too. Syria will ask to add Lebanon, because it was Syrian; Yemen will ask Saudi Arabia to take Najran from the south; and even the palestinian will ask Jordan to give them their historical land, which belong to them, around the dead sea. So, as you see, this argument of Saddam, is weak. Other argument. It was said, that Kuwait used a petrol field, which is between the two countries border during the Iraqi-iranien war. I do not agree with this, because all of us, we know that Iraq is a big producer of oil. So I do not think that this is a key question to invade Kuwait, because of a small field. Others are talking that USA have a very high-technological & strategic weapon in Kuwait, when Iraq invaded it, its forces took it with them & that's why USA wanted to back that weapon & asked to destroy all Iraqi's nuclear weapon & program. I think that this is weak too. USA made pressure on Israel during the first Gulf war because it bought weapons to Iran. Te gulf countries helped Iraq, too. Unfortunally, Saddam Hussein was not a true allien or friend. He was able to do every thing in order to stay strong. He was wrong! When he bombarded Israel by Skud, it was not because he liked to free Palestine, NO..NO..NO.. he was seeking the popularity among his people and among the arab & muslim world. Just for that. To search a legacy to his barbaric act. Here, he won!
What we are living now, from dispatch, a non unity, the strong foreign presence in the gulf, the political & economic problems, all of them are the result of the 2nd Gulf war in 1990, the result of Saddam's idiot behaviour. And we are paying the bill.
Many men around the world were like him, and they faced the same result: Hitler, Mussolini, Milosovic, & a lot of others who changed the way of the history in a very bad and dangerous direction. They deserve what happened and what is happening to them.
The world has changed. The game rules changed too. We, the arab and the muslim, we are in the weak side now, because of the fucking hero Bin Laden & similar.
The Iraqi's should take advantage to rebuild their country. To open a new white page.
Why shall we accuse every time, the american or the Israeli's because of our mistakes or misunderstandings?
As a typical and radical arab citizen, if I find my car broken outside, I will say: oh my God! The american & the Israeli's did this. THIS IS WRONG. ARABS..MUSLIMS..WAKE UP.
We talked about Palestine. Yes I call for peace their. I know well that it is very difficult to do so. I do not need your thoughts about. But let us trying to solve that problem. Do not ask to expell the Israeli's from that land, because they don't have a country to go. They are not as the French ( France) or the British (UK). When they left their colonies, they went back to their countries. Here the situation is different. Do not say that Allah said in the Holy Quran that they will leave Palestine, so let us waiting that day and stopping the blood!
Allah called to peace, to negociate, to brotherhood, not to be agressif.
I LOVE the arab world from the ocean to the gulf. But I try to be realistic. Not to judge upon my feelings. The people who were killed in London, the same people, were in huge manifestations in oreder to make pressure on their leaders to solve the Iraqi's problem, to establish peace in the middle east & to end poverty and starvation in Africa. Now, we lost them, because we killed them..or we killed their friends..their children..a tunisian guy was died there too.
The blasts of Sharm-el-sheikh costed lives but also jobs due to tourism.
Problems in Algeria, Morocco, Polisario, Mauritania, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Djibouti, Comores island, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, this is the arab map. Political, economical, social & poverty dilema.
( be continued)


John Garang, a Man of Peace.
John Garang, un Homme de Paix.
جـون قـرنـق ، رحيل رجـل سـلام


After the two bloggers meetup that I attended, the 3rd & the 4th, I took a lot of decisions in order to talk more about my hobbies, my studies, my city, my region, cinema, my life style and it was clear that many people did not understand why "I blog". I believe in peace, brotherhood, tolerance, war against terrorism, friendship, truth and how to change things without violence. These are the principles in which I have a strong belief & faith. I am not going to change that, and more than this, what is happening in the world, as London attacks, sharm-el-sheikh blasts, King Fahd death, Israeli's withdrawal from Gaza strip or the Egyptian elections, oblige me to talk about these subjects, to give my point of view, which can please some people, and do not for the others.
Après les deux derniers meetup des bloggeurs tunisiens, le 3eme et le 4 eme, j'ai pris beaucoup de decisions à fin de blogger des articles concernant ma ville, ma région, mes amis, mes passe-temps, mes études ou meme du cinema! Beaucoup de personnes ne comprennent pas pourquoi "je blogge". Je crois en la paix, l'amour, l'amitié, le guerre contre le terrorisme et le fanatisme, la tolerence, la vérité et comment changer des situation sans passer par la violence. Je suis très attaché à ses principes là. Meme s'ils coutent ma vie. J'ai essayé de changer de style, mais l'actualité m'oblige. Attaques à Londres, terrorism à Charm el cheik ou mort du Roi Fahd. Meme si je n'arriverais pas à changer ou à faire arriver mon message, il me suffit la fiéreté de marquer mon point de vue.

vendredi, août 05, 2005


Pic 1: Saudi Arabian Airlines * Boeing B-747 * Malaysia
Pic 2: Air France * Airbus A 340 * Toronto * Canada


Abdullah Ibn Abdelaziz Al Saud, is becoming the 6th Saudi's monarch since 1932. Aged about 82 years, it is said that he is a very pro-arab nation's problems. Very popular in Saudi Arabia, he is very respected from the World too * LONG LIVE THE KING *
Le nouveau Roi D'Al Saoud, est agé de 82 ans. Demi-frere du Defunt le Roi Fahd, il est devenu le 6ème Roi depuis 1932, date de la réunification et de la création du royaume d'Al Saoud. Il est très pro-arabe. Populaire à l'interieur du Royaume, respectueux par la communauté international, on'a qu'a dire * VIVE LE ROI *

mercredi, août 03, 2005


تفتح السفارة السعودية سجل تقبل التعازي في وفاة المغفور له باذن الله التعالى خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك فهد بن عبد العزيز آل سعود من يوم الثلاثاء 02 أوت 2005 إلى غاية يوم الخميس 05 أوت 2005 من الساعة 10 صباحا إلى الثانية
The Royal Embassy Of Saudi Arabia opens a condoleance copybook from Tuesday August 2end to Thursday August 5th, 2005 from 10:00 to 14:00.
L'ambassade du Royaume D'Arabie Saoudite ouvre un registre de condoleance du Mardi 2 au jeudi 5 aout 2005 du 10:00 à 14:00.


The late Custodian Of TheTwo Holy Mosques of Mecca and Medina, King Fahd Bin Abdelaziz Al Saud, has been burried Tuesday August 2nd, 2005, in presence of tens of worldwide leaders & the Saud's Royal Family. Emotion and sadness were very clear even that the funearl was too simple to a great man as Fahd.
Le Roi Fahd est entérré ce Mardi 2 aout 2005. Une dizaine des chefs d'Etat ou leurs envoyés spéciaux ont soutenu la famille royale Saoudienne. Des moments émotionnels ont marqués les obsèques trop simple d'un grand chef d'Etat disparu.
بـسـم الـاـه الـرحـمـان الـرحـيـم
يا أيتها النفس المطمئنة ارجعي إلى ربك راضية مرضية فادخلي في عبادي و ادخلي جنتي * صدق الله العظيم
الله أكبر .. الله أكبر .. الله أكبر
ببالغ الأسى و الحسرة تلقينا نبأ رحيل رجل دولة عظيم و قائد حكيم خدم شعبه و أمته باخلاص و تفان، حتى و لو راى البعض عكس ذلك. رحل الفهد و ترك خلفه ارثا و تاريخا حافلا في جنازة عادية وبسيطة، و لكن بمعان كثيرة و عميقة.
فالى جنات الخلد يا أبو فيصل باذن الله. ستبقى ذكراك في نفسي و ذكرى مسيرة البناء و التحديث التي عايشتها و عائلتي بالسعودية
إنا لله و إنا له راجعون

mardi, août 02, 2005


I am a muslim. I believe in Death & meeting God. But when we lose someone that we love and respect, it is very hard to control ourselves. early in the morning of August 1st ( 05:00 GMT), during taking our breakfast at home, I was zapping between the TV channels. STOP! Readings from the Holy Koran in all saudi's TV. Why? It is because of John Garang's death? NO! All my family stayed in front of the TV set. We have a long story with Saudi Arabia. It was the news that we don't like to hear.
We lost a very brave man. We lost a real King. I say this because I know very well His Majesty The King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz Al Saoud. When my family was in Saudi Arabia for a decade, we saw closely the growth of the kingdom. We lived just 25 km from The Holy City of Mecca Al Mukaramah.Motorways, skycrapers, lights, hospitals, airports, harbours, schools, universities, mosques & stadiums. All the country was moved, and it is still now, in acting. Never will we forget you, King Fahd. Sorrow and sadness over our house since the news of the death of the Saudi's king. He gave so much to his people, to the Arab nation & the muslim world. May God Bless Him & give us the comfort.
On vient de perdre une grande personnalité, un Grand chef d'Etat, qui n'a cessé de donner à son peuple, au monde arabe, musulman et au monde entier. Le Roi Fahd, le vrai constructeur du Royaume, l'Arabie Saoudite moderne, dont moi et ma famille, nous étions témoins. Nous avons vécu à 25 km de la ville sacrée Makkah Al Moukarramah. Autoroutes, grandes immeubles, des hopitaux, des écoles, des universités, des aéroports, des ports, des ville industrieles, des mosqués et des villes sportives. Tout le Royaume était, et il est encore, sous le chemin de la modernisation. On vous oubliera jamais, Cher Roi, défunt Fahd. Au sein de ma famille, nous sommes très triste. Douleur et choc nous qualifient. Nous, qui étions proche de ces actes et décisions. Que Dieu Lui Bénisse et qu'il nous donne de la force pour surmonter la douleur.

dimanche, juillet 31, 2005

Fourth Meetup

It was was was super!
I was very happy to meet again the tunisian a friendly atmosphere.
We talked about a lot of subjects, we changed ideas and how to ameliorate our blogs.
I am waiting the next meetup.
See you.


Today, I create a new corner in which I will talk about different cities & countries. I choose to talk about my city: Utique. The most anciant village to be build in Tunisia, before Carthage, 1101 before Jesus Christ. I like it very much. It is in the half way between Bizerta and Tunis.
Bizerta, the city of my birth and where I lived for 20 years, it is wonderful. I LOVE IT. I tried to collect some pictures of my region too: utique, bizerta, ghar el melh, raf raf...the result: I created a mosaique!

jeudi, juillet 28, 2005


Egyptian President Mubarek announced his candidacy for the presidential election next september. "I declare before you, from here, from al-Munufiya governorate, that I intend on applying for nomination so that I can run for the office of president in this coming presidential election." "I will seek to win the trust and support of the people for a new term," he added.
President Mubarek called, then, for an extra arab summit, "I call for an extraordinary Arab summit on Wednesday August 3 in Sharm el-Sheikh, which will be preceded by a meeting of Arab foreign ministers... with a view to reviewing the situation in the Arab world, he said also"I am fully confident that this coming extraordinary summit will be capable of crystallizing a strong Arab position that reflects the determination of the Arab states and peoples to overcome the current challenges, and to achieve the peace and stability that all Arabs long for."

mardi, juillet 26, 2005


88 deads, 200 injured..the result of at least 5 blsts in Sharm-el-Sheikh, the Egyptian Red sea resort. Why? I can not understand what is happening in the World. The only thing that I know perfectly, is that that works are terrorits ones. The fact of killing innocent people: women, men, children, muslims, chrestians or jewish can only be described as TERRORISM. Results: Loosing jobs, closing homes, bad economy growth & making the Arab & the Muslim world more weak. Sorry to say: Terrorists..FUCK YOU.

vendredi, juillet 22, 2005


Désormais vous pouvez joindre mon blog au:
Since today, you can join my bogweb on:
Dés aujourd'hui, je viens de créer un coin mensuel, à vous de l'enrichir et voici le sujet: " Vous et le terrorisme", abstraction totale de vos idéologies. Juste soyez raisonnables.
Since today, I create a new monthly- speech corner. It is to you to make it rich by your points of view. Today's subject: " You and the terrorism". But you have to be raisonnable and keep away your ideologies and prejudiced.
Bonne Chance & Good Luck

In Loving Memory Of Princess Diana

Just For Britain

samedi, juillet 16, 2005


Hommage à Palestine...
...just for Palestine.

mercredi, juillet 13, 2005

Relais MaZZiKa

Merci beaucoup à ma chere Troubadour qui m'a affectée un travail de plus par ce relais. Meme remerciement à Marouen. Le retard est du au travail, ainsi qu'au deuil après les attentas de Londres.
Thank you dear Troubadour for giving me an additional work. My thanks go to Marouen, too. And I apologise for not writing till now because of my work & because of the mourning over London attacks.
3an Subzero, 3an Adib, 3an Zizou, 3an Troubadour, 3an Mraihi,
The Type of music I prefrer to listen to:
- Spanish flamenco
- Symphonies
The compositors that I like:
- Bach
- Handel
- Bartholemy
- Mozart
- Vivaldi
- Tchaikowisky
The songs I like to listen to:
- Ajmal E7sas ( Elissa)
- Lèh 7andi3 ( Dina 7aiek)
- Nassini eddonya ( Ragheb Alema)
- I will survive
- S'il suffisait qu'on s'aime ( Céline Dion)
- Dové l'amore ( Cher)
and many more but I have a very bad memory :)
The instumental that I like to listen to ( without lyrics, just music):
- My Herat will go on
My favourite singers & groups:
- Fairouz
- The Gypsies
& others ;)
Je passe le relais à, I hand over this work, which is not easy :) to:
Appetite & Apathy, Day by Day, Jihène, Nostradamus, Sansblog et/and Thysdrus.

dimanche, juillet 10, 2005


"It's particularly barbaric that this has happened on a day when people are meeting to try to help the problems of poverty and Africa."

Tony Blair
"People were screaming and shouting and saying things like I'm dying, I'm dying, please help me. "

Ana CastroLiverpool Street Station
Eyewitness reports


vendredi, juillet 08, 2005


It was a shock. It was horrible. It was terrible. It was unhuman. What happened in London, yesterday, July 7th,2005, is inacceptable. More than 30 people died, more than 700 injured and the festivities of London Olympic Games 2012 were stopped. "No group has yet said it planted the bombs, but police have said the 2-3 lb (0.9-1.4 kg) bombs were typical of IRA manufacture." (
C'était un choc. C'était horrible. C'était terrible. C'était inhumain. Ce qui c'est passé à Londres, hier, 07 juillet 2005, est non acceptable. Plus qu'une trentaine de morts, plus de 700 bléssés et suspension des féstivités des JO Londres 2012.

mercredi, juillet 06, 2005

LONDON 2012...LONDRES 2012

Eh oui! Finalement c'est la capitale britannique Londres qui arbitera les Jeux Olympiques 2012, après 1908 et 1948. Elle est devenue la 1ere ville à les accueillir pour la 3ème fois.
Alors que je suis trop Anglo-saxon, j'ai comme meme de la sympathie à l'egard des Français et notamment leur Président que je respecte beaucoup, Jacques Chirac. Lui qui a réalisé le parcourt Paris - Singapoure. La réaction des Français m'a tellement touché que j'avais les larmes aux yeux. Mais lors de ces occasions il faut y avoir le Fair Play et d'etre habiliter d'un esprit sportif.
Yes! Finally the Olympic Games 2012 will be held in London, after 1908 and 1948. It becomes then the 1st city to organise the games three times. Although I was a supporter of London 2012, the reaction of the french people after loosing has affected me. It was so touching that my eyes were full of tears. I have sympathy toward their president Jacques Chirac who
I respect too much, and who travelled to Singapore, but this is the sport spirit & the Fair Play.
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN * Good Luck London 2012. When Tunis?

lundi, juillet 04, 2005


Live 8.. 10 concerts, 10 grandes de 200,000 personnes réunient tous pour une cause très humaines: la lute contre la pauvreté en Afrique. Pink Floyd, Madonna, Will Smith, Robbie Williams, Paul Mc Cartney , Nelson Mandela, Kofi Anan et d'autres. Juste pour l'Afrique, contre la pauvreté et contre la mondialisation.
Live 8.. 10 parties, 10 big cities..more than 200,000 people were gathered & united for humanitarian cause, too human one: to be against pauverty in Africa. Pink Floyd, Madonna, Robbie Williams, Paul Mc Cartney, Nelson Mandela, Kofi Anan & many more. Just for Africa, against pauverty & against globalisation.

jeudi, juin 30, 2005


Ce ci est juste un test. J'ai eu des problèmes de bloggers des photos. après le 3ème meet-up, mes chers bloggeurs m'ont aidés à trouver la soultion. Lors de cette rencontre j'ai eu des pourparlers avec Marouen concernant le volontariat. Lui était avec l'Albanie, moi avec la Grèce durant les Jeux Med Tunis 2001. Je serais aussi parmi les volontaires du sommet mondial sur la société de l'information Tunis 2005. Voici l'article:
"La notion de volontaire, " le volontaire est une personne qui a la volonté de remplir une mission sans y etre obligé ". Elle est mue par des valeurs comme le don de soi, le nationalisme ou l'engagement.
Cependant, le volontaire_et du moment ou il s'engage_devient un véritable acteur du projet. En tant que tel il est avant tout vendeur d'images: l'image de sa personne bien sur, mais surtout et à partir du moment ou il porte la tenue officielle il véhicule l'image de son pays et de son comité.
Pour conclurenous pouvons dire:
Volontaires dans l'esprit..oui, mais ..professionnels dans le comportement."
This is just a test. I faced technical problems in blogging pictures, but during the 3rd meet-up with dear tunisian bloggers, they gave me the solution.
I talked with Marouen about the fact of being volunteer. During the Mediterranean Games Tunis 2001, he was with Albania, I was with Greece. I will be volunteer too during the WSIS Tunis2005. We spent happy days , which left happy memories. This allow us to make friendships and to serve our country. We felt & we feel to be proud of that.
Mrs Genevieve Edis, the wife of the late & former British Ambassador to Tunis 1994-1998, hoped that one day I will be in place from which I can help the World & the Humanity. I hope so. I hope to be as Lady Diana, Princess Of wales. :)
Source: Formation Générale Avril 2005, Commission de Recrutement et de formation des volontaires, SMSI Tunis 2005.

mercredi, juin 29, 2005

Shame on me...honte sur moi..

Shame on me. It is the first time that I visit Tunisie blogs. After the 3rd meet-up, I decided to visit it and to know more about the tunisian bloggers. This makes me able to diversify my knowledges & culture, & specially, to be PROUD TO BE TUNISIAN, because OF THEM.
Honte sur moi. C'est la premiére fois que je visite Tunisie blogs. Après le 3ème meet-up, j'ai décidé de le visiter et de connaitre beaucoup plus d'info à propos des bloggeurs tunisiens. Ce fait me permette de diversifier mes connaissances et ma culture, et surtout surtout de se sentir FIER D ETRE TUNISIEN, grace aux BLOGGEURS TUNISIENS.

lundi, juin 27, 2005

Dedier à..Dedicated to..

" Democracy", said Winston Churchill, "is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time".
His fellow democrat, India's First Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, expressed similar sentiments. " Democracy is good. I said this because other systems are worse".

Très Heureux...Very Happy

J'étais très heureux ce dimanche 26 juin 2005 de participer au meet-up des bloggeurs tunisiens. Un évènement que j'attendais avec impatience. C'est très bien de connaitre les gens, qui étaient virtuels, de partager avec eux des moments de bonheurs, de 19h00 à 00h30.
Le temps s'est vite coulé.
I was very happy this Sunday June 26th, 2005, when I participated in the first time in the meet-up of the tunisian bloggers. I waited that moment with big emotion. It was cool, the fact of sharing good moments with good company.

vendredi, juin 24, 2005


Grace à mon blog que j'ai créer pour faire un appel à la paix, meme si la majorité ne croyaient pas, voir jamais, à la paix, MOI SIIIIIIII. Juste il faut du temps, de l'éspoir et du courage.
Je voudrais bien ameliore mon blog et de créer des amitiés avec les bloggeurs. C'est dans ce cadre là que je serais, inchallah, présent lors de leurs meet-up, ce dimanche 26 juin 2005 vers 19h00, heure de tunis au café Montmartre à el menzah 6.
Appel S.O.S: lisez mon blog s'il vouuuuuuuus plaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ;)
When I created this blog, I have done that in order to contribute to peace in the world, to launch a call for peace, brotherhood & tolerance. Even if so many people do not believe in peace, yes I DO. we need just time, hope & courage.
I would like to improve my blog & to make friendships among bloggers. In this order I decided to be present during their meeting this June Sunday 26th, 2005 at 1900 Tunis time in Café Montmartre el menzah 6.
See you. :)

mardi, juin 07, 2005


L'UMA est un choix strategique, geo-politiques ainsi qu'un futur commun.
L'union du Maghreb Arabe, confronte des obstacles enorment:
- terrorisme en Algérie
- conflit Polisario-maroc
- conflit maroc-algerie
- instabilté mauritanienne
- conflit Libo-mauritanien
reste la Tunisie et son Président attachés à l'union. Est ce qu'une illusion??!..
L'UMA is a strategic choice, geo-politic & a common future.
The Maghreb Arab Union, is faced a lot of problems:
- terrorism in Algeria
- conflict Polisario-morocco
- conflict Algero-morocco
- distability in Mauritania
- conflict libya-mauritania
Tunisia & its President, are the only ones believing in the UMA union. It is an illusion??!

vendredi, juin 03, 2005

Netherlands: 64 % NEE

Les Néerlandais sur les pats des Français, mais c'est trop choquant: 64 % ont voté NON à la Constitution Européenne.
The Dutch follow French people, but this is too shocking: 64% voted NO for the EU Constitution.
L'avenir de L'Europe????!!..
Europe's future???!!..

lundi, mai 30, 2005


French people vote no 56%, yes 44% in the referendum organised sunday may 29th, 2005.
It was a schok to the President Jacques Chirac who supported the adoption of the European Union Constitution, but he will not resign as had done before the president Charles De Gaulle.
The NO supported were too happy yesterday night. President Chirac delivered a short speech to the nation. It was clear that he was surprised and sad.
Fairs in europe that this french no would push the other nations who are going to organise referendums as United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Denmark & others to vote NO too.
Since 1956, in Rome, European countries choose to be united. We are waiting!
Les français ont votés ce dimanche 29 mai 2005 à 56% NON à la Constitution Européenne contre 46% pour le oui. L'Europe entiére était sous le choc de ce référéndum. Le président Français Jacques Chirac qui était en faveur d'une Constitution Européenne unique ne démessionera pas comme son prédécesseur le président Charles De Gaulle. les militants du NON étaient très contents hier. Le président Français a donné une allocation très bref à la nation. Il était apparent qu'il était deçu.
Les autres pays européens qui vont organiser des référéndum similaires, comme aux Royaume-uni, L'Irelande, le Portugal, le Denmark...etc, se sentaient embarassés de ce NON français qui pourra affecter leurs choix et donc de retarder l'unification de l'Europe. Une unification très attendu depuis 1956 à Rome. On attendra!

lundi, mai 02, 2005

Non au terrorisme..No to terrorism..

Les dernieres informations, ou rumeurs, menaçant la Tunisie et sont peuple d'etre victimes des attentas terroristes sont inacceptables et intolérables. Nous voulons que notre pays, la TUNISIE, restera un pays tolérant, une terre de rencontre, de paix et de dialogue. Je crie haut et fort: terroristes et extremistes, vous n'avez pas de place entre nous en Tunisie. N'y approchez pas!
The latest news or rumors that Tunisia will be a land to terrorist attacks is neither acceptable, nor tolerable. We like that our country TUNISIA, stays a country of tolerance, a land to meetings, peace & dialogue. I cry loudly: terrorists & extremists, you do not have place between us in Tunisia. Out of here & do not try to be near!


I understand people's suffering, people's pain, more than you will ever know yourself.
Diana, Princess of Wales

Bye Andrew Purkis

Diana Fund Chief Quits
By Tim Moynihan, PA
The chief executive of the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund has decided to leave the post in the early autumn, it was announced today.
Andrew Purkis has held the role since June 1998.
He was at the helm during a difficult period in 2003/4 when donations were suspended as a result of a costly legal action by the US-based Franklin Mint memorabilia company, a case which was settled last November.
Dr Purkis said today: “The Fund has a fine track-record of championing charitable work, has settled the Franklin Mint case and is now completely free to resume its humanitarian mission in full.
“This is the right time for me to plan for a change and for the Fund to recruit a new chief executive with fresh vision and energy.
“For all its ups and downs, the Fund has become a tremendous force for good among neglected and stigmatised people in the UK and across the poorest countries of the world. That is the best way of honouring the Princess’s memory.
“It has been a privilege to serve the Fund and work with such fine people in the pursuit of absolutely vital humanitarian causes.”
Christopher Spence, chair of the Fund’s trustees, said: “The Board of Trustees owes Andrew Purkis a huge debt of gratitude, both for his outstanding leadership during the Fund’s formative years, reflected in our reputation for bold and innovative grant making and championing of causes, as well as for his single-minded commitment to seeing us safely through our troubles over litigation, ensuring that not one single project collapsed as a result of the freezing of the Fund’s assets.
“With this difficult period behind us, we fully understand and support his wish now to move on, which he will do with our very grateful thanks, high regard and warm wishes for the future.”
The lawsuit by the Mint threatened the future of the Fund.
Cash awards were frozen in 2003, months after the Mint announced it was suing the Fund. The Charity Commission described the move as a “massive blow” to voluntary organisations.
The Mint, based in Pennsylvania, launched its lawsuit in November 2002 after a failed 1998 court bid by the Fund to stop it producing mementoes bearing the Princess’s name and image.
The Fund compared the Mint’s owners, Stewart and Lynda Resnick, to “vultures” feeding on the memory of the Princess.
When that action was thrown out by a court in Los Angeles, the Mint accused the Fund and the executors of the late Princess’s estate of acting “maliciously, wantonly ... and with the intent to oppress”.
Moments before a jury was due to be selected to hear the £14 million malicious prosecution suit last November, the out-of-court settlement was announced.
The Fund and the Mint agreed that the “energy and resources” needed for a court battle would be better spent on a “mutually agreed international programme of humanitarian work” in honour of the Princess.
Dr Purkis said then: “The final settlement of this lawsuit means that we can get back to committing all our energy and money to our humanitarian work.”
The Fund was set up in September 1997, days after the Princess’s death, in response to a deluge of charitable donations and offers.
Dr Purkis, 56, was previously assistant director at the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, national director of the Council for the Protection of Rural England and secretary for public affairs to the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1992-98. He has received the OBE for services to national charities.

mardi, avril 19, 2005

No more Friendship...jamais d'amitié.

I believe in friendship, even that my friends are telling me that it does not exist any more. I do not share their opinion.
I believe in friendship. I can not stay without friends, without new ones. But, we have to distinguish between close friends, friends & normal people to know. We can not say everything to anyone. I suffered from friends's problems, but I still sure of the existence of friendship. what do you think about it? If you have a story, just write to me, about friends & problems between them.
L'amitié c'est quelques chose de sacrée pour moi, meme si mes amis ne partagent pas mon point de vue. Je suis très ferme concernant ce sujet: l'amitié existe, mais nous devons faire un bon choix des amis. De meme il faut faire une différence entre les amis intimes, les amis et les connaissances. De plus, on ne peut pas dire tous à n'importe qui. J'ai beaucoup souffert des amis.
Je vous laisse la parole. Ecrivez-moi, écrivez-nous, vos histoires d'amitiés, des amis et de leurs problemes. on vous attend.

samedi, avril 09, 2005


I don't know how will I support the death of these people that I liked a lot.
Today we make tribute to Prince Rainier III of Monaco.


With big sadness & sorrow, we received the news of the death of the Holy Father, the Pope John Paul II.
Giovanni Paolo II, has entred to the history from its big door. We will never forget him.
He served in order of establishing a good humanity, peace & tolerance between the different nations & religions.
we will remember his vistis to different countries, among it Tunisia in 1996.
We, as muslims, we pray too for his soul. We loved him, we respected him. Karol, may you rest in peace.
Adieux..Pape Jean Paul II.
On vous oubliera jamais.
Addio..Papa Giovanni Paolo II.
(1920 * 2005)*(1978 * 2005)

mercredi, mars 30, 2005

Un Appel Pour La Paix

"je te rejoins pour appeler ensemble à la paix dans le monde entier, mais pour se faire, faisons d'abord la paix avec nous même, avec nos proches, nos ami(e)s, nos amours, notre peuple. faisons la paix avec nos valeurs, notre culture, notre histoire, avec la nature autour de nous. il ne suffit pas d'appeler à la paix, il faut l'exercer et l'avoir comme conduite sinon comme état d'esprit présent dans nos gestes et nos réflexions.Dieu qui s'est donné la paix السلام, ne peut tolérer toute cette haine et cette violence (surtout si elles sont faite en son nom) et qui tuent ce qui humain en nous.Mais il est vrai que pour vivre en paix ou retrouve la paix perdue, il faut sentir la présence de deux autres valeurs et les vivres à savoir, la justice et l'équité, qui sont la garantie de la dignité.Une personne qui ne connaît pas la justice ou l'équité, ne peut pas connaître la paix, tout comme les groupes o les peuples (les palestiniens sont le meilleur exemple).SOYONS JUSTES SOYONS DIGNES SOYONS EN PAIX."
Ahmed * Paris * France

mardi, mars 29, 2005

Those celebrities gave a lot to their people & their countries. In Their Loving Memories. Posted by Hello

lundi, mars 28, 2005

Long Live Lebanon...

No body will forget february 14th, 2005. Beirut downtown..assasination of former PM Rafic Hariri.
It was a terrible day. Here in Tunisia, as there in Lebanon.
He was a brave man. We will never forget him & what he did to the lebanese people.
From this web site, I ask all the lebanese to stay united. Do not distabilize Lebanon. Do not give any importance to ethnic or religious are LEBANESE. & all of us..we want the truth.

Lady Diana is always in mind... Posted by Hello

Yes to Charles & Camilla Prince Charles & Camilla Wedding..
..Oui..pour le marriage du Prince Charles et Camilla Parker Bowles.
For a long time I was against that relationship , beacuse Lady Diana, Princess Of Wales suffered a lot from that. The princess that I LOVE so much. But today, I believe that we shall accept this royal wedding, not only in order to finish Prince Charles's passion & pain, but also in order to contribute to Princess Diana, in her loving memory.
Diana princess of Wales, devoted her life for humanitarian works, love & in helping people. Because of these sensitive characteristics, we have to accept this wedding.
I believe that if Princess Diana was alive, she would accept that in order to put an end to that story & in order to make all the "actors" happy: The British, Royal family, Camilla, & Princess Diana too.
May God bless Diana's soul & spread happiness around Prince Charles, Camilla & their families.
J'étais pour toujours contre la relation qui regroupait Prince Charles et Camilla. La relation qui a horriblement affecté la vie de la Princesse Diana que J'AIME et je respecte beaucoup.
Lady Diana, princesse de Galles, a devouée sa vie pour les causes humanitaires et pour aider les autres. J'en suis sur et certain que si elle était en vie, elle acceptera l'engagement du Prince Charles et Camilla, rien, que pour mettre fin à la soufrance et à cette histoire triste. Ce marriage royal, presente une occasion pour "jetter" la joie sur la famille royale, Camilla et Diana elle meme.
Que Dieu protége l'ame de la princesse et qu'Il propage la joie autour du Prince Charles, Camilla et leurs familles.

God Save The Queen

dimanche, mars 27, 2005


I launch a all those who believe in join me.
Peace in the middle east..peace in Lebanon..peace in USA..peace in Sudan..Algeria..Yemen..Afghanistan..Yougoslavia..Russia..Congo..
Israel..Palestine..Bolivia..Togo..Join me to establish peace, tolerance, brotherhood & friendship.
We, as Muslims, we are not a nation of terrorism or hate. We are a nation of trolerance, brotherhood, friendship , peace & love. We don't accept what happened in NY ( Sept.11th), in palestine/israel, any place.
Oussama Bin Laden..Abu Mussab Ez zarqawee..& others..they don't have any links to us, the arabs, the muslims..we don't love them..we don't support them too. Join me to bring happiness & peace to the world.
Thank You.