mardi, septembre 11, 2007


It was a day to remember. It was an event that pointed our future and our lives for ever.
This was an email that I have received from a British guy who was among us, the volunteers of the MG Tunis 2001, he wrote me the following email one day after the terrorist attacks:

"Hey guys,
I am going to write to you in English because I am still enjoying being back at home and am not in the mood to bother writing in French.I have been having a great time here in England since my return.
I was ill the first day, being sick a lot, which is weird (before you say anything I started feeling ill before reaching England).However today I have been out and about seeing friends and went to a big shopping complex.
I bought myself some new shoes and clothes and checked out what music everyone has been listening to whilst I have been in Tunisia but I reckon I have not been missing much.
Tonight I am going out with friends and tomorrow I am leaving early and going down to the south coast for an AIESEC conference. This is basicallly an excuse for everyone to get drunk on 4 nights in a row. I am going up to university on the 20th and from then on will be extremely busy and having a great time.I am glad that I back in England before yesterday.
I would have had a hell of a time with flights and also I have heard reports from some of the AIESEC trainees that many Tunisians have been noticeably jubilant after yesterday s disaster. I know that this obviously does not apply to you guys but it does not give the West a good impression of the Arabic world when we see pictures on TV of thousands chanting in the streets (not from Tunisia) because 1000s have died.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon and keep on having fun.
Simon :-) X X X"