
jeudi, mai 31, 2007

UN Security Council decided to implement Hariri International Tribunal. Two years ago since the assassination of PM Hariri, Lebanon has entered into serial assassinations, wars and conflicts. Syria, heads the opponents to the establishment of the tribunal. I believe that if Syria and Lebanese high ranked officials are involved in Hariri's assassination, such order to execute him, or any follow up could not done without prior knowledge, if not, the consent of Syrian and Lebanese Presidents. If this is true, it would very dangerous in the relations between countries. I do not believe that Israel is behind the assassination. I know that Israel represents to the Arab Troy Horse. Every thing happen to us, Israel is behind! I believe that Israel & USA are trying to use the assassination to serve their interests, but they are not the killers, and this is different. It is time to settle justice for Lebanon. I am happy, very happy but I am affraid of the dark future of Lebanon.
يـوم العدالة..يوم المحكمة

اخيرا و بعد سنتين من اغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري و عدد من مرافقيه و المواطنين، و مع تتالي مسلسل الاغتيالات السياسة في لبنان، أقر مجلس الأمن المحكمة الدولية ليسدل الستار عن جدل دام عدة أشهر بين الحكومة الشرعية و الدستورية و رئيس جمهورية و رئيس مجلس نيابي و معارضة لا تبحث إلا عن التعطيل ذريعتها سيادة لبنان في حين أنه في الباطن توافق مع الجارة سوريا الرافضة شكلا و مضمونا للمحكمة. أنا أتسائل، إن كان المرء بريئا، فلم الخوف كل هذا الخوف من قيام هذه المحكمة؟ أنا على شديد الايمان أن حادثة اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري، و الجميع يعلم مدى حجم و أهمية الرجل بالنسبة للبنانيين جميعا، و إن كانت قد تمت بقرار سوري-لبناني، فأنا متأكد أن مثل هذا القرار القاضي بتصفية الحريري لا يمكن له أن يأخذ إن لم يكن مباشرة فعلى الأقل مع علم الرئيس بشار الأسد و لحود و ربما أطراف أخرى مثل حزب الله و الرئيس بري. أنا آمل أن يكون هذا السيناريو خاطئ و لكن الجميع يعلم أن العلاقات بين الحريري و كل من الأسد و لحود مرت في الآونة السابقة لاغتياله بفترة صعبة أصبح فيها الحريري يقود المعارضة للتمديد للرئيس لحود. وذكر و إن نفعت الذكرى، فالرئيس لحود الذي يدعي أن الحكومة غير شرعية و غير دستورية،وجوده في حد ذاته غير دستوري فالتمديد لولايته جاء مخالفا للقوانين اللبنانية و برعاية سورية صريحة. هل هذه صداقة حميمة بين الأسد و لحود؟ أم أنه عرفان من الأسد لخدمات قدمها لحود لدمشق؟ اليوم المحكمة قادمة و ستنكشف الحقيقة و لكن أكثر ما يؤسفني هو أن العديد من العرب يوجهون أصابع الاتهام لإسرائيل و الولايات المتحدة و يطعنون في شرعية المحكمة الدولية و من سيكون تركيبتها و كأننا نحن في العالم العربي نتمتع بقضاء مستقل و عادل، أو و كأن إسرائيل و أمريكا لا برامج عندهما إلا الاهتمام بالعالم العربي و الزج به في المتاهات. نعم أنا لا أدين إسرائيل مباشرة باغتيال الحريري و لكن ربما الولايات المتحدة و اسرائيل استعملتا هذه الحادثة الزلزال من أجل خدمة مصلحتهما و هذا أمر مختلف تماما غن التخطيط و التنفيذ لعملية الاغتيال. الجميع الآن سيحبس أنفاسه، لنترك التحقيق يأخذ مجراه حتى تنكشف الحقيقة من أجل لبنان
mercredi, mai 30, 2007
رسالة تهنئة

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
والصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسلين سيدنا و نبينا محمد و على آله و صحبه الأشرفين
القصر الأميري في 30 مايو/آيار 2107
إلى فخامة الرئيس السوري بشار الضبع، عفوا بشار الأسد، و إلى سماحة السيد حسن نصرالله سود الله، عفوا كرم الله وجهه، و فخامة الرئيس أحمدي نهاق، عفوا أحمدي نجاد، و إلى كل محور الشر، عفوا محور الخير و لو،
السلام عليكم
على إثر الاستفتاء الديمقراطي الباهر الذي شهدته سوريا الشقيقة و الذي تجلى فيه بكل إمعان الاختيار الحر و السري و استعمال الخلوة من طرف الرعية، عفوا الشعب السوري الشقيق، حيث أن قمة الشفافية و التي حتى الغرب الذي يدعي الديمقراطية لم يشهد مثلها على الاطلاق، وصلت الشفافية إلى حد القبول بكم يا فخامة الرئيس من طرف أبناء شعبكم العزيز إلى قلوبنا، بحيث اختاروك رئيسا مباشرة أمام التلفزيون مع الأهازيج و الغناء و الرقص و النزول إلى شوارع المدن، فكيف لا و أنت الأسد ابن الأسد إذ قال الراحل صدام حسين:
لا تأسفن على غدر الزمان
لطالما رقصت على جثث الأسود كلاب
لا تحسبن برقصها تعلو على أسيادها
فالأسد أسد و الكلاب كلاب
تبقى الأسود مخيفة في أسرها حتى و لو
نبحت عليها كلاب
المهم أنه بهذه المناسبة أتقدم بصفة خاصة بالتهنئة لسماحة السيد حسن نصرالله و الأخ أحمدي نجاد حيث أنه و ببقائكم في السلطة لمدة لا يعلمها إلا الله سبحانه و تعالى، فإنه يطيب لي أن أهنئهم على بقاء حليفهم الاستراتيجي و لا يفوتني بالطبع أن أتوجه بالتهنئة للحزب القومي السوري اللبناني على تربعكم على عرش الحكم في سوريا.
كلي أمل أن يكون هذا بمثابة عهد جديد على مزيد درب الديكتاتورية..عفوا الديمقراطية و الانغلاق..عفوا و الانفتاح و التسامح و السلام و مصادرة الحريات، عفوا و مزيد إقرار الحريات، و أنا آمل أن لا يعكر صفوة الفرحة إقرارالمحكمة الدولية الخاصة بالنظر في اغتيال الرئيس الحريري تحت البند السابع
تقبلوا في الختام تهاني الحارة باسمي الخاص و باسم أفراد العائلة الأميرية و الشعب الشقيق لكم.
و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته.
mardi, mai 29, 2007
What to do during the bombings-high-season - Lebanese daily Life ktir 7elouuuu








1st- Go normally to work/university in the morning but before going into the car, buy a mirror min 2a2rab dikken and glue it to a stick to check if there's any bomb mi7sheye under ur car...
2nd- Enjoy work/ uni during the morning, go to the beach or to lunch ANYWHERE U WANT...
3rd- Try not to be home after 9pm
4th- Rent a nice DVD (or a whole season iza il wade3 m2azzam) and make sure to bring an internet card, wara2 shadde, cigarettes, snack, alcohol, coffee, coffee-mate, coke, marshmallows, some papers and a pen (in case u needed to write a will!)...
5th- When u're home check for any weird, unusual or suspicious cars bil 7ay, if there's any, la77i2 7alak w frika (don't be an idiot calling the police because chances are the potential bomb will go off and u'll grill before they arrive)...
6th- If there's no unusual cars, park ur car the farest possible from the road...
7th- Keep the car's windows mash2ou2een to avoid breaking the glass by any possible bombing...
8th- Tla3 3al bet ya rayiss w check ur facebook account w invite ur friends over for a dvd. Make sure that they take self-responsibility if any bomb goes off on the road...
9th- Nzal 3al malja2 w shouf iza baddo more tijheez or if it needs cleaning...
10th- Nazzil a7la sofa, ur tv, ur dvd player, ur pc and the internet cable...
11th- Always have a helmet on ur head..if anyone asks, tell them "walaw?? it's the newest trend"...
12th- Never ever answer ur phone with the retro stupid "allo"...it's bombings-season people...instead of "allo" use "wein??"
13th- Enjoy the evening...
Heik bitkoun tsallet w waffaret 3a 7alak the next infijars... yalla bon boneh (cant say good night anymore lol)
lundi, mai 28, 2007
Hezbollah and its Mister Hassan Nasrallah, are all the time qualifying Siniora government and the movement of March 14, as traitors. Some officers of Hezbollah are even saying that some members of 14 March's movement cooperated with Israel during the war in summer 2006. In his last TV show, the Mister qualified those who cooperated or continues to coopertae with Isarel, and those who believe in Peace and tolerance, are betraying the nation. Anyway, I think that with the last events since December, the Mister has forgotten some details in connection to his party. He forgot that in the late 90's of the last century, when exchaning some captured military man from the party & Israel under German supervision, the party has asked to enter into a direct dialogue with Israelis, so why no body qualified hezbollah as betrayer at that time? Moreover, hezbollah received an amount of 20 million USD, 13 million had been transferred to hezbollah's account and 7 million USD evaporated. Could you ask hezbollah where is the 7 million amount? in which account? haven't the Mister said that he has no piastre in any account in the contrary of many other leaders? I am not sure, the Mister is not an angel or a prophet, he is a human being!
أنا ذليل...و حزب الله يقبض 20 مليون دولار من إسرائيل


لطالما أطل علينا السيد حسن نصر الله و خطب فينا خطابا طويلا عريضا مرتفعا عن المقاومة و التحرير و محارب إسرائيل و المدافع عن الكرامة العربية و الدين الاسلامي و أخيرا عندما بدأ السيد يشعر أن البساط بدا يسحب من تحت رجليه أصبح كثير الكلام عن فلسطين. على كل، فإن الله سبحانه و تعالى قال مرة متوجها إلى رسوله الكريم و"وذكر و إن نفعت الذكرى" و انا أقول للسيد تذكر أيها السيد أنك أنت القائل أن حزب الله هو مقاومة لبنانية في وجه العدو الاسرائيلي و إذا كان الشعب الفلسطيني يرغب في تحرير أرضه فما عليه إلا أن يقاوم المحتل أما نحن فهدفنا تحرير جنوب لبنان، بلدنا. اليوم أصبحت كثير التحدث عن فلسطين أيها السيد و السبب معروف إفلاسك و جماعتك و نفور مسانديك لا سيما بعد خطابك الأخير حول أحداث نهر البارد و مساواتك بين شهداء الجيش الشرعي و التنظيم الارهابي. السيد على كل كان قد وصفني خلال كلمته المتلفزة الأخيرة بالذليل...نعم فأنا حسب السيد حسن نصر الله، و لا أرى أين هو النصر حتى الآن، وصفني بالذليل..حيث قال أن كل من يتحدث عن السلام و التسامح و كل من ينهج منهاجا غير المقاومة المسلحة و التصعيد فهو ذليل. هذا الوصف غيرمستغرب فالسيد كثيرا ما نعت الحكومة اللبنانية بالساقطة و الغير الشرعية و الخائنة و العميلة. فالسيد و منذ فترة و هو يبث الخطابات الصعيدية و الطائفية. كما يقال يقوم باشعال النار ثم يتسائل من أين الدخان؟؟؟ قد تتفاجؤون اليوم إن قلت لكم، و خاصة هؤلاء الذين يعتبرون حسن نصرالله سيدا، أن سيدكم هذا و خلال التسعينات من القرن الماضي و في صفقة تبادل للأسرى تحت رعاية ألمانية، كان حزب الله الرافض اليوم لأي لقاء مباشر مع إسرائيل قد عمل على مقابلة إسرائليين بل حتى عمل الحزب على الحصول على مبلغ 20 مليون دولار من إسرائيل. 13 مليون دولار توجهت فعلا للحزب و لكن 7 مليون دولار تبخرت. فأين ذهبت؟ أليس السيد و جماعته من يتحدثون عن الفساد و عدم الشفافية؟ فأين شفافية الحزب؟ ألا يمكننا أن نعتبر الحزب خائن أو عميل؟ أليس الحزب من رغب في الدخول في مفاوضات مع إسرائيل؟؟؟
vendredi, mai 25, 2007
BREAKING NEWS..في خبر عاجل

كنت مع بعض الأصدقاء أهم بالخروج من إحدى قاعات الشاي عندما وصلتني رسالة على الهاتف، نظرت للمرسل فإذا بها صديقتي صبا من لبنان. صبا تقطن أحد الأحياء الراقية في مدينة طرابلس حيث الأحداث الأليمة التي يمر بها لبنان. و هي تقطن إلى جانب رئيس الأمن الوطني اللبناني، بالتالي فإن الحي يعج بقوات الأمن و الجيش. أما أختها فهي تقطن في حي مجاور كان ساحة قتال خلال اليومين الأولين حيث كان عدد من إرهابيي فتح الاسلام يكترون شقة. المهم الرسالة التي وصلتني جاء فيها: **** هيئتو الجيش راح يبلش العملية العسكرية الليلة. من نص ساعة بلش القصف. ما خبرتك إني تحاصرت ببيت إختي. كان فيه إرهابيي مخابايين ببناية بعيد عنا. ادعيلنا الله يخلصنا بئى
I was preparing my self to go out of a a "tearoom", where I was with some freinds when my mobile rang. I received an sms from my friend Siba who is living in Tripoli, Lebanon, the field of the current battle between the Lebanese army and the terrorist group of "Fath al Islam". She told me that the army will start its operation that night. Clashes has been started since half an hour. She was undersieged at her sister's home because some terrorists were hidden in a close building. She requested me to pray God for them.
jeudi, mai 24, 2007

I am keeping up with news coming from northern Lebanon. I am very concerned with what is going there and I am very worried of another civil war outbreak. I totally agree with the Lebanese army and the government to clear up totally, at once and for ever the terrorist group of "fath al islam" (no link to Islam at all). I know that the situation of Nahr Al Barred refugees camp, but I am affraid of having terrorist gunmen to flee with the Palestinian innocent refugees. This story must have an end and the Lebanese army must clear up the camp of any terrorist group or militia which may put the Lebanese national security into danger. The Lebanese army must also verify the identity of the refugees who are leaving the camp in order not to allow the terrorsit to go out from Nahr Al Barred among the refugees.
To the opposition leaders I say, try to help your country, try to help your people, try to be logic, not to throw the whole responsibility on the shoulders of the government. I know that one of the Arabs characteristics is to throw the responsibilty on the shoulders of somebody else, to displace our problems to somebody else, but now it is time to review our policies. Wake up!
lundi, mai 21, 2007
According to the Lebanese opposition, the current government of Fouad Siniora is unconstitutional and illegal after the withdraw of the opposition's ministers from the cabinet. However, based on the same texts which the opposition is interpreting, the Lebanese constitution and the agreement of Taif which ended the Lebanese Civil War, it is clear that the current Lebanese government of Siniora, is legal and constitutional.
a. Lebanon is a sovereign, free, and independent country. It is a final homeland for all its citizens. It is unified in its territory, people, and institutions within the boundaries defined in this constitution and recognized internationally.b. Lebanon is Arab in its identity and in its association. It is a founding and active member of the League of Arab States and abides by its pacts and covenants. Lebanon is also a founding and active member of the United Nations Organization and abides by its covenants and by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Government shall embody these principles in all fields and areas without exception.c. Lebanon is a parliamentary democratic republic based on respect for public liberties, especially the freedom of opinion and belief, and respect for social justice and equality of rights and duties among all citizens without discrimination.d. The people are the source of authority and sovereignty; they shall exercise these powers through the constitutional institutions.e. The political system is established on the principle of separation, balance, and cooperation amongst the various branches of Government.f. The economic system is free and ensures private initiative and the right to private property.g. The even development among regions on the educational, social, and economic levels shall be a basic pillar of the unity of the state and the stability of the system.h. The abolition of political confessionalism is a basic national goal and shall be achieved according to a gradual plan.i. Lebanese territory is one for all Lebanese. Every Lebanese has the right to live in any part of it and to enjoy the sovereignty of law wherever he resides. There is nosegregation of the people on the basis of any type of belonging, and no fragmentation, partition, or colonization. j. There is no constitutional legitimacy for any authority which contradicts the 'pact of communal coexistence'. This Constitutional Law shall be published in the Official Gazette.
Article 1 [Territory]Lebanon is an independent, indivisible, and sovereign state. Its frontiers are those which now bound it:On the North: From the mouth of al-Kabir River, along a line following the course of this river to its point of junction with Khalid Valley opposite al-Qamar Bridge.On the East: The summit line separating the Khalid Valley and al-Asi River (Orontes) and passing by the villages of Mu'aysarah, Harbanah, Hayt, Ibish, Faysan to the height of the two villages of Brina and Matraba. This line follows the northern boundary of the Ba`albak District at the northeastern and south eastern directions, thence the eastern boundaries of the districts of Ba`albak, Biqa', Hasbayya, and Rashayya.On the South: The present southern boundaries of the districts of Sûr (Tyre) and Marji`yun.On the West: The Mediterranean.
Article 2 [Territorial Integrity]No part of the Lebanese territory may be alienated or ceded.
Article 3 [Administrative Areas]The boundaries of the administrative areas may not be modified except by law.
Article 4 [Republic, Capital]Greater Lebanon is a Republic the capital of which is Beirut.
Article 5 [Flag]The Lebanese flag is composed of three horizontal stripes, a white stripe between two red ones. The width of the white stripe is equal to that of both red stripes. In the center of and occupying one third of the white stripe is a green Cedar tree with its top touching the upper red stripe and its base touching the lower red stripe.
Article 6 [Nationality]Lebanese nationality and the manner in which it is acquired, retained, and lost is to be determined in accordance with the law.
Article 7 [Equality]All Lebanese are equal before the law. They equally enjoy civil and political rights and equally are bound by public obligations and duties without any distinction.
Article 8 [Personal Liberty, nulla poena sine lege]Individual liberty is guaranteed and protected by law. No one may be arrested, imprisoned, or kept in custody except according to the provisions of the law. No offense may be established or penalty imposed except by law.
Article 9 [Conscience, Belief]There shall be absolute freedom of conscience. The state inrendering homage to the Most High shall respect all religions and creeds and guarantees, under its protection, the free exercise of all religious rites provided that public order is not disturbed. It also guarantees that the personal status and religious interests of the population, to whatever religious sect they belong, is respected.
Article 10 [Education, Confessional Schools]Education is free insofar as it is not contrary to public order and morals and does not interfere with the dignity of any of the religions or creeds. There shall be no violation of the right of eligious communities to have their own schools provided they follow the general rules issued by the state regulating public instruction.
Article 11 [Official National Language]Arabic is the official national language. A law determines the cases in which the French language may be used.
Article 12 [Public Office]Every Lebanese has the right to hold public office, no preference being made except on the basis of merit and competence, according to the conditions established by law. A special statute guarantees the rights of state officials in the departments to which they belong.
Article 13 [Expression, Press, Assembly, Association]The freedom to express one's opinion orally or in writing, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, and the freedom of association are guaranteed within the limits established by law.
Article 14 [Home]The citizen's place of residence is inviolable. No one may enter it except in the circumstances and manners prescribed by law.
Article 15 [Property]Rights of ownership are protected by law. No one's property may be expropriated except for reasons of public utility in cases established by law and after fair compensation has been paid beforehand.
Article 16 [Legislative Power, One Chamber]Legislative power is vested in a single body, the Chamber of Deputies.
Article 17 [Executive Power, Council of Ministers]Executive power is entrusted to the Council of Ministers to be exercised it in accordance with the conditions laid down in this constitution.
Article 18 [Bills]The Parliament and the Council of Ministers have the right to propose laws. No law shall be promulgated until it has been adopted by the Chamber.
Article 19 [Constitutional Council]A Constitutional Council is established to supervise the constitutionality of laws and to arbitrate conflicts that arise from parliamentary and presidential elections. The President, the President of the Parliament, the Prime Minister, along with anyten Members of Parliament, have the right to consult this Council on matters that relate to the constitutionality of laws. The officially recognized heads of religious communities have the right to consult this Council only on laws relating to personal status, the freedom of belief and religious practice, and the freedom of religious education. The rules governing the organization, operation, composition, and modes of appeal of the Council are decided by a special law.
Article 20 [Judicial Power]Judicial power is to be exercised by the tribunals of various levels and jurisdictions. It functions within the limits of an order established by the law and offering the necessary guarantees to judges and litigants. The limits and conditions for the protection of the judges are determined by law. The judges are independent in the exercise of their duties. The decisions and judgments of all courts are rendered and executed in the name of the Lebanese People.
Article 21 [Electoral Rights]Every Lebanese citizen who has completed his twenty-first year is an elector provided he fulfills the conditions laid down in the electoral law.
Article 22 [Senate]With the election of the first Parliament on a national, non-confessional basis, a Senate is established in which all the religious communities are represented. Its authority is limited to major national issues.
Article 23 [Eligibility to the Senate]{abolished 1927}
Article 24 [Electoral Laws](1) The Chamber of Deputies is composed of elected members; their number and the method of their election is determined by the electoral laws in effect. Until such time as the Chamber enacts new electoral laws on a non-confessional basis, the distribution of seats is according to the following principles:a. Equal representation between Christians and Muslims.b. Proportional representation among the confessional groups within each religious community.c. Proportional representation among geographic regions.(2) Exceptionally, and for one time only, the seats that are currently vacant, as well as the new seats that have been established by law, are to be filled by appointment, all at once, and by a majority of two thirds of the Government of National Unity. This is to establish equality between Christians and Muslims as stipulated in the Document of National Accord [The Taif Agreement]. The electoral laws will specify the details regarding the implementation of this clause.
Article 25 [Dissolution]Should the Chamber of Deputies be dissolved, the Decision of dissolution must provide for the holding of new elections in accordance with Article 24 and within a period not exceeding three months.
Article 26 [Location of Government and Parliament]The Government and the Chamber of Deputies shall be located in Beirut.
Article 27 [Representation]A member of the Chamber represents the whole nation. Norestriction or stipulation may be imposed upon his mandate by his electors.
Article 28 [No Incompatibility]A Deputy may also occupy a ministerial position. Ministers, all or in part, may be selected from among the members of the Chamber or from persons outside the Chamber.
Article 29 [Incompatibility by Law]Cases in which persons are disqualified from becoming Deputies are determined by law.
Article 30 [Validating Elections]The Deputies alone have competence to judge the validity of their mandate. No Deputy's mandate may be invalidated except by a majority of two thirds of the votes of the entire membership. This clause is automatically cancelled as soon as the Constitutional Council is established and as soon as the laws relating to it are implemented.
Article 31 [Illegal Sessions]Meetings of the Chamber outside those set for legal sessions are unlawful and ipso facto null and void.
Article 32 [Ordinary Sessions]The Chamber meets each year in two ordinary sessions. The first session opens on the first Tuesday following 15 March and continues until the end of May. The second session begins on the first Tuesday following 15 Oct; its meetings is reserved for the discussion of and voting on the budget before any other work. This session lasts until the end of the year.
Article 33 [Extraordinary Sessions]The ordinary sessions begin and end automatically on the dates fixed in Article 32. The President of the Republic in consultation with the Prime Minister may summon the Chamber to extraordinary sessions by a Decree specifying the dates of the opening and closing of the extraordinary sessions as well as the agenda. The President of the Republic is required to convoke the Chamber if an absolute majority of the total membership so requests.
Article 34 [Quorum]The Chamber is not validly constituted unless the majority of the total membership is present. Decisions are to be taken by a majority vote. Should the votes be equal, the question under consideration is deemed rejected.
Article 35 [Publicity]The meetings of the Chamber are public. However, at the request of the Government or of five Deputies, the Chamber may sit in secret sessions. It may then decide whether to resume the discussion of the same question in public.
Article 36 [Voting Process]Votes are to be cast verbally or by the members standing, except for elections when the ballot is secret. With respect to laws in general and on questions of confidence, the vote is always taken by roll call and the responses are made in an audible voice.
Article 37 [Vote of No-Confidence]Every Deputy has the absolute right to raise the question of no-confidence in the government during ordinary or extraordinary sessions. Discussion of and voting on such a proposal may not take place until at least five days aftersubmission to the secretariat of the Chamber and its communication to the ministers concerned.
Article 38 [Reintroduction of Bills]No Bill that has been rejected by the Chamber may be re-introduced during the same session.
Article 39 [Indemnity]No member of the Chamber may be prosecuted because of ideas and opinions expressed during the period of his mandate.
Article 40 [Immunity]No member of the Chamber may, during the sessions, be prosecuted or arrested for a criminal offense without the permission of the Chamber, except when he is caught in the act.
Article 41 [Re-election]Should a seat in the Chamber become vacant, the election of a successor begins within two months. The mandate of the new member does not exceed that of the old member whose place he is taking; however, should the seat in the Chamber become vacant during the last six months of its mandate, no successor may be elected.
Article 42 [General Elections]General elections for the renewal of the Chamber shall take place within a sixty day period preceeding the expiration of its mandate.
Article 43 [Rules of Procedure]The Chamber draws up its own internal rules and procedures.
Article 44 [First Session](1) Each time a new Chamber is elected, the Chamber meets under the presidency of the oldest member and the secretariat or the two youngest. It will then elect separately, by a secret ballot and by an absolute majority of the votes cast, the President and the Vice President of the Chamber to hold office for the length or the Chamber's term. At the third ballot, a relative majority is sufficient. Should the votes be equal, the oldest candidate is considered elected.(2) Every time a new Chamber or Deputies is elected, as well as in the October session or each year, the Chamber elects two Secretaries by secret ballot according to the majority stipulated in the first part or this article.(3) The Chamber may, once only, two years after the election or its President and his Deputy, and in the first session it holds, withdraw its confidence from the President of the Chamber or his Deputy by a Decision of two thirds of the Chamber, based on a petition signed by at least ten Deputies. The Chamber, at such point, must hold an immediate session to fill the vacant post.
Article 45 [Presence]Members of the Chamber may only vote when they are present at the meeting. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.
Article 46 [Parliamentary Order]The Chamber has the exclusive right to maintain order in its meetings through its President.
Article 47 [Petitions]Petitions to the Chamber may not be presented except in writing. They may not be presented verbally or at the bar of the Chamber.
Article 48 [Remuneration]The remuneration of members of the Chamber is determined by law.
Article 49 [Presidential Powers](1) The President of the Republic is the bead of the state and the symbol of the nation's unity. He shall safeguard the constitution and Lebanon's independence, unity, and territorial integrity. The President shall preside over the Supreme Defense Council and be the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces which fall under the authority of the Council of Ministers.(2) The President of the Republic shall be elected by secret ballot and by a twothirds majority of the Chamber of Deputies. After a first ballot, an absolute majority shall be sufficient. The President's term is for six years. He may not be re-elected until six years after the expiration of his last mandate. No one may be elected to the Presidency of the Republic unless he fulfills the conditions of eligibility for the Chamber of Deputies.(3) It is also not possible to elect judges, Grade One civil servants, or their equivalents in all public institutions to the Presidency during their term or office or within two years following the date of their resignation or their leaving office for whatever reason.
Article 50 [Oath]Upon assuming office, the President of the Republic shall take an oath of fidelity before the Parliament to the Lebanese Nation and the constitution in the following terms:"I swear by Almighty God to observe the Constitution and the laws of the Lebanese Nation and to maintain the independence of Lebanon and its territorial integrity."
Article 51 [Promulgation of Laws]The President of the Republic promulgates the laws after they have been approved by the Chamber in accordance with the time limits specified by the constitution. He asks for the publication or these laws, and he may not modify these laws or exempt anyone from complying with their provisions.
Article 52 [Negotiation of International Treaties]The President of the Republic negotiates international treaties in coordination with the Prime Minister. These treaties are not considered ratified except after agreement of the Council of Ministers. They are to be made known to the Chamber whenever the national interest and security of the state permit. However, treaties involving the finances of the state, commercial treaties, and in general treaties that cannot be renounced every year are not considered ratified until they have been approved by the Chamber.
Article 53 [List of Additional Presidential Powers]1. The President presides over the Council of Ministers when he wishes without participating in voting.2. The President designates the Prime Minister in consultation with the President of the Chamber of Deputies based on parliamentary consultations which are binding and the content of which the President formally discloses to the Prime Minister.3. The President alone issues the Decree which designates the Prime Minister.4. He issues, in agreement with the Prime Minister, the decree appointing the Cabinet and the decrees accepting the resignationof Ministers.5. He issues, on his own authority, the decrees accepting the resignation of the Cabinet or considering it resigned.6. He forwards to the Chamber of Deputies Bills that are delivered to him by the Council of Ministers.7. He accredits ambassadors and accept the credentials of ambassadors.8. He presides over official functions and grants official decorations by Decree.9. He grants particular pardons by Decree, but a general amnesty cannot be granted except by a law.10. He addresses, when necessary, letters to the Chamber of Deputies.11. He may introduce, from outside the agenda, any urgent matter to the council of Ministers.12. He may, in agreement with the Prime Minister, call the Council of Ministers to an extraordinary session, whenever he deems this necessary.
Article 54 [Countersignature]The decisions of the President must be countersigned by the Prime Minister and the Minister or Ministers concerned except the Decree designating a new Prime Minister and the Decree accepting the resignation of the Cabinet or considering it resigned. Decrees issuing laws must be countersigned by the Prime Minister.
Article 55 [Dissolution of Parliament by Decree](1) The President of the Republic may, in accordance with the conditions stipulated in Articles 65 and 77 of this constitution, ask the Council of Ministers to dissolve the Chamber of Deputies before the expiration of its mandate. If the Council, based on this request, decides to dissolve the Chamber of Deputies, the President issues the Decree dissolving it, and in this case, the electoral bodies meets as provided for in Article 25, and the new Chamber is to be called to convene within fifteen days after the proclamation of the election.(2) The administrative staff of the Chamber of Deputies continues to function until the election or a new Chamber.(3) If elections are not held within the time limit specified in Article 25 of the constitution, the Decree dissolving the Chamber is considered null and void, and the Chamber of Deputies continues to exercise its powers according to the stipulations of the constitution.
Article 56 [Promulgation Time Limits](1) The President of the Republic promulgates the laws which have been adopted within one month of their transmission to the Government. He must promulgate laws that were declared urgent by a special Decision of the Chamber within five days.(2) The President issues decrees and requests their promulgation; he has the right to ask the Council of Ministers to review any Decision that the Chamber has taken within fifteen days of the decision's transmission to the Presidency. If the Council of Ministers insists on the Decision or if the time limit passes without the Decree being issued or returned, the Decision or Decree is considered legally operative and must be promulgated.
Article 57 [Presidential Veto]The President of the Republic, after consultation with the Council of Ministers, has the right to request the reconsideration of a law once during the period prescribed for its promulgation. This request may not be refused. When the President exercises this right, he is not required to promulgatethis law until it has been reconsidered and approved by an absolute majority of all the members legally composing the Chamber. If the time limits pass without the law being issued or returned, the law is considered legally operative and must be promulgated.
Article 58 [Urgent Bills]Every Bill the Council of Ministers deems urgent and in which this urgency is indicated in the decree of transmission to the Chamber of Deputies may be issued by the President within forty days following its communication to the Chamber, after including it on the agenda of a general meeting, reading it aloud before the Chamber, and after the expiration of the time limit without the Chamber acting on it.
Article 59 [Adjourning the Chamber]The President of the Republic may adjourn the Chamber for a period not exceeding one month, but he may not do so twice during the same session.
Article 60 [Responsibility](1) While performing his functions, the President of the Republic may not be held responsible except when he violates the constitution or in the case of high treason.(2) However, his responsibility in respect of ordinary crimes is subject to the ordinary laws. For such crimes, as well as for violation of the constitution and for high treason, he may not be impeached except by a majority of two thirds of the total membership of the Chamber of Deputies. He is to be tried by the Supreme Council provided for in Article 80. The functions of Public Prosecutor of the Supreme Council are performed by a judge appointed by the Supreme Council in plenary session.
Article 61 [Suspension after Impeachement]Should the President of the Republic be impeached, he is suspended from his functions. The presidency remains vacant until the Supreme Council has settled the matter.
Article 62 [Vacancy]Should the Presidency become vacant for any reason whatsoever, the Council of Ministers exercises the powers of the President by delegation.
Article 63 [Remuneration]The remuneration of the President of the Republic is determined by a law. It may not be increased or reduced during his term of office.
Article 64 [Responsibility and Powers]The Prime Minister is the Head of Government and its representative. He speaks in its name and is responsible for executing the general policy that is set by the Council of Ministers. He exercises the following powers: 1. He heads the Council of Ministers and is ex officio Deputy Head of the Supreme Defense Council. 2. He conducts the parliamentary consultations involved in forming a Cabinet. He signs, with the President, the Decree forming the Cabinet. The Cabinet must present its general statement or policy to the Chamber and gain its confidence within thirty days of the date of issuance of the Decree in which the Cabinet was formed. The Cabinet does not exercise its powers before it gains the Chamber's confidence nor after it has resigned or is considered resigned, except in the narrow senseof managing affairs.3. He presents the Government's general policy statements before the Chamber of Deputies.4. He signs, along with the President, all decrees, except the Decree which designates him the head of the Government, and the Decree accepting the Cabinet's resignation or considering it resigned.5. He signs the Decree calling for an extraordinary parliamentary session, decrees issuing laws, and requests for reviewing laws.6. He calls the Council of Ministers into session and sets its agenda, and he informs the President and the Ministers beforehand of the subjects included on the agenda and of the urgent subjects that will be discussed.7. He supervises the activities of the public administrations and institutions, coordinates among the Ministers and provides general guidance to ensure the proper progress of affairs.8. He holds working meetings with the competent authorities in the Government in the presence of the concerned Minister.
Article 65 [Powers]Executive authority is vested in the Council of Ministers. It is the authority to which the armed forces are subject. Among the powers that it exercises are the following:1. It sets the general policy of the Government in all fields, prepares Bills and organizational Decrees and makes the decisions necessary for implementing them.2. It watches over the execution of laws and regulations and supervises the activities of all the Government's branches including the civil, military, and security administrations and institutions without exception.3. It appoints Government employees and dismisses them and accepts their resignations according to the law.4. It dissolves the Chamber of Deputies upon the request of the President of the Republic if the Chamber of Deputies, for no compelling reasons, fails to meet during one of its regular periods and fails to meet throughout two successive extraordinary periods, each longer than one month, or if the Chamber returns an annual budget plan with the aim or paralyzing the Government. This right cannot be exercised a second time if it is for the same reasons which led to the dissolution of the Chamber the first time.5. The Council of Ministers meets in a locale specifically set aside for it, and the President chairs its meetings when he attends. The legal quorum for a Council meeting is a majority of two thirds of its members. It makes its decisions by consensus. If that is not possible, it makes its decisions by vote of the majority of attending members. Basic national issues require the approval of two thirds of the members of the Council named in the Decree forming the Cabinet. Basic national issues are considered the following:The amendment of the constitution, the declaration of a state of emergency and its termination, war and peace, general mobilization, international agreements and treaties, the annual government budget, comprehensive and longterm development projects, the appointment of Grade One government employees and their equivalents, the review of the administrative map, the dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies, electoral laws, nationality laws, personal status laws, and the dismissal of Ministers.
Article 66 [Ministries, Responsibility]Only Lebanese who satisfy the conditions for deputization may assume ministerial posts. The Ministers administer theGovernment's services and assume the responsibility of applying the laws and regulations, each one according to the affairs of his administration and what is specific to them. Ministers are collectively responsible before the Chamber for the general policy of the Government and individually responsible for their personal actions.
Article 67 [Ministers in Parliament]Ministers may attend the Chamber if they so desire, and they have the right to be heard whenever they request to speak. They may be assisted by whomever they select from among the officials of their Departments.
Article 68 [Vote of No-Confidence]When the Chamber, in accordance with Article 37, passes a vote of noconfidence in a Minister, that Minister is required to resign.
Article 69 [Government Resignation](1) The Government is considered resigned in the following circumstances:a. if the Prime Minister resigns;b. if it loses more than a third of the members specified in the Decree forming it;c. if the Prime Minister dies;d. at the beginning of the term of the President of the Republic;e. at the beginning of the term of the Chamber of Deputies;f. when it loses the confidence of the Chamber of Deputies based on the Chamber's initiative or based on the Council's initiative to gain the Chamber's confidence.(2) Ministers are to be dismissed by a Decree signed by the President and the Prime Minister in accordance with Article 65 of the constitution.(3) When the Council resigns or is considered resigned, the Chamber of Deputies is automatically considered in extraordinary session until a new Council has been formed and has gained the Chamber's confidence.
Article 70 [Impeachment](1) The Chamber of Deputies has the right to impeach the Prime Minister and Ministers for high treason or for serious neglect of their duties. The Decision to impeach may not be taken except by a majority of two thirds of the total membership of the Chamber.(2) A special law is to be issued to determine the conditions of the civil responsibility of the Prime Minister and individual Ministers.
Article 71 [Judicial Impeachment Proceedings]The impeached Prime Minister or Minister are tried by the Supreme Council.
Article 72 [Consequences of Impeachment]A Prime Minister or Minister leaves office as soon as the Decision of impeachment concerning him is issued. If he resigns, his resignation does not prevent judicial proceedings from being instituted or continued against him.
Article 73 [Election of the President]One month at least and two months at most before the expiration of the term of office of the President of the Republic, the Chamber is summoned by its President to elect the newPresident of the Republic. However, should it not be summoned for this purpose, the Chamber meets of its own accord on the tenth day preceding the expiration of the President's term of office.
Article 74 [Vacancy of Presidency]Should the Presidency become vacant through the death or resignation of the President or for any other cause, the Chamber meets immediately and by virtue of the law to elect a successor. If the Chamber happens to be dissolved at the time the vacancy occurs, the electoral bodies are convened without delay and, as soon as the elections have taken place, the Chamber meets by virtue of the law.
Article 75The Chamber meeting to elect the President of the Republic is considered an electoral body and not a legislative assembly. It must proceed immediately, without discussion or any other act, to elect the Head of the State.
[Chapter] II. Amending the Constitution
Article 76 [Proposal]The constitution may be revised upon the proposal of the President of the Republic. In such a case the Government submits a draft law to the Chamber of Deputies.
Article 77 [Request]The constitution may also be revised upon the request of the Chamber of Deputies. In this case the following procedures are to be observed:During an ordinary session and at the request of at least ten of its members, the Chamber of Deputies may recommend, by a majority of two thirds of the total members lawfully composing the Chamber, the revision of the constitution.However, the articles and the questions referred to in the recommendation must be clearly defined and specified. The President of the Chamber then transmits the recommendation to the Government requesting it to prepare a draft law relating thereto. If the Government approves the recommendation of the Chamber by a majority of two thirds, it must prepare the draft amendment and submit it to the Chamber within four months; it it does not agree, it shall return the Decision to the Chamber for reconsideration. If the Chamber insists upon the necessity of the amendment by a majority of three fourths of the total members lawfully composing the Chamber, the President of the Republic has then either to accede to the Chamber's recommendation or to ask the Council of Ministers to dissolve the Chamber and to hold new elections within three months. If the new Chamber insists on the necessity of amending the constitution, the Government must yield and submit the draft amendment within four months.
Article 78 [Priority]When a draft law dealing with a constitutional amendment is submitted to the Chamber, it must confine itself to its discussion before any other work until a final vote is taken. It may discuss and vote only on articles and questions clearly enumerated and defined in the draft submitted to it.
Article 79 [Majority, Promulgation](1) When a draft law dealing with a constitutional amendment is submitted to the Chamber, it cannot discuss it or vote upon it except when a majority of two thirds of the members lawfully composing the Chamber are present. Voting is by the same majority.(2) The President of the Republic is required to promulgate the law of the constitutional amendment under the same conditions and in the same form as ordinary laws. He has the right, within the period established for the promulgation, to ask the Chamber to reconsider the draft, after consultation with the council of Ministers, in which case the vote is by a majority of two thirds.
Article 80 [Function, Composition, Organizational Law]The Supreme Council, whose function is to try Presidents and Ministers, consists of seven deputies elected by the Chamber of Deputies and of eight of the highest Lebanese judges, according to their rank in the judicial hierarchy, or, in case of equal ranks, in the order of seniority. They meet under the presidency of the judge of the highest rank. The Decisions of condemnation by the Supreme Council is rendered by a majority of ten votes. A special law is to be issued to determine the procedure to be followed by this Council.
Article 81 [Integral Tax Law]No public taxes may be imposed and no new taxes established or collected in the Lebanese Republic except by a comprehensive law which applies to the entire Lebanese territory without exception.
Article 82 [Rule of Law]No tax may be modified or abolished except by virtue of law.
Article 83 [Yearly Budget]Each year at the beginning of the October session, the Government has to submit to the Chamber of Deputies the general budget estimates of state expenditures and revenues for the following year. The budget is voted upon article by article.
Article 84 [Budget Discussion]During the discussion of the budget and draft laws involving the opening of supplementary or extraordinary credits, the Chamber may not increase the credits proposed in the budget or in the draft laws mentioned above either by way of amendment Or by means of a proposal. The Chamber may, however, adopt, by way of proposal, laws involving further expenditures afterthe close of this discussion.
Article 85 [Extraordinary Credit]No extraordinary credit may be opened except by a special law. Nevertheless, should unforseen circumstances render urgent expenditures necessary, the President of the Republic may issue a Decree, based on a Decision of the Council or Ministers, to open extraordinary or supplementary credits or transfer appropriations in the budget as long as these credits do not exceed a maximum limit specified in the budget law. These measures are to be submitted to the Chamber for approval at the first ensuing session.
Article 86 [Provisional Budget]If the Chamber of Deputies has not given a final decision on the budget estimates before the expiration of the session devoted to the examination of the budget, the President of the Republic, in coordination with the Prime Minister, immediately convenes the Chamber for an extraordinary session which lasts until the end of January in order to continue the discussion of the budget; if,at the end of this extraordinary session, the budget estimates have not been finally settled, the Council of Ministers may take a decision on the basis of which a decree is issued by the President giving effect to the above estimates in the form in which they were submitted to the Chamber. However, the Council of Ministers may not exercise this right unless the budget estimates were submitted to the Chamber at least fifteen days before the commencement of its session. Nevertheless, during the said extraordinary session, taxes, charges, duties, imposts, and other kinds of revenues continue to be collected as before. The budget of the previous year is adopted as a basis. To this must be added the permanent credits which have been dropped, and the Government fixes the expenditures for the month of January on the basis of the 'provisional twelfth.'
Article 87 [Final Financial Accounts, Auditing Bureau]The final financial accounts of the administration for each year must be submitted to the Chamber for approval before the promulgation of the budget of the year following. A special law is to be issued for the setting up of an Auditing Bureau.
Article 88 [Public Loan]No public loan or undertaking involving an expenditure from the treasury funds may be contracted except by virtue of a law.
Article 89 [Contracts, Concessions, Resources, Monpolies]No contract or concession for the exploitation of the natural resources of the country, or a public utility service, or a monopoly may be granted except by virtue of a law and for a limited period.
Article 90 [...]{Abolished in 1943}
Article 91 [...]{Abolished in 1943}
Article 92 [...]{Abolished in 1943}
Article 93 [...]{Abolished in 1947}
Article 94 [...]{Abolished in 1943}
Article 95 [National Committee](1) The first Chamber or Deputies which is elected on the basis of equality between Muslims and Christians takes the appropriate measures to realize the abolition of political confessionalism according to a transitional plan. A National Committee is to be formed, headed by the President of the Republic, including, in addition to the President of the Chamber of Deputies and the Prime Minister, leading political, intellectual, and social figures.(2) The tasks of this Committee are to study and propose the means to ensure the abolition of confessionalism, propose them to the Chamber of Deputies and the Ministers, and supervise the execution of the transitional plan.(3) During the transitional phase:a. The confessional groups are to be represented in a just and equitable fashion in the formation of the Cabinet.b. The principle of confessional representation in public servicejobs, in the judiciary, in the military and security institutions, and in public and mixed agencies are to be cancelled in accordance with the requirements of national reconciliation; they shall be replaced by the principle of expertise and competence. However, Grade One posts and their equivalents are exempt from this rule, and the posts must be distributed equally between Christians and Muslims without reserving any particular job for any confessional group but rather applying the principles of expertise and competence.
Article 96 [...]{Abolished in 1947}
Article 97 [...]{Abolished in 1947}
Article 98 [...]{Abolished in 1947}
Article 99 [...]{Abolished in 1947}
Article 100 [...]{Abolished in 1947}
Article 101 [Greater Lebanon, The Lebanese Republic]Beginning 1 Sep 1929, the state of 'Greater Lebanon' is to be known as 'The Lebanese Republic' without any other change or modification.
Article 102 [Abrogation of Old Laws]All legislative provisions contrary to the present constitution are abrogated.

L'opposition libanaise se refere à ce texte pour montrer que le gouvernement Siniora est un gouvernement illegal et unconstitutionnel, or à travaers ce texte lui meme, l'accord de taif qui a mis fin à la guerre civile libanaise, montre que le gouvernement actuel est un gouvernement legal et constitutionnel.
This is the full text of the agreement of Taif which ended the Lebanese Civil War. According to the Lebanese opposition, the current gouvernment of Siniora is unconstitutional and illegal. However, according to the Taif Agreement, the current gouvernment is constitutional and legal.
This agreement, which ended the civil war in Lebanon, was negotiated in Ta'if, Saudi Arabia, in September 1989 and approved by the Lebanese parliament on 4 November 1989.
First, General Principles and Reforms:
I. General Principles
A. Lebanon is a sovereign, free, and independent country and a final homeland for all its citizens.
B. Lebanon is Arab in belonging and identity. It is an active and founding member of the Arab League and is committed to the league's charter. It is an active and founding member of the United Nations Organization and is committed to its charters. Lebanon is a member of the nonaligned movement. The state of Lebanon shall embody these principles in all areas and spheres, without exception.
C. Lebanon is a democratic parliamentary republic founded on respect for public liberties, especially the freedom of expression and belief, on social justice, and on equality in rights and duties among all citizens, without discrimination or preference.
D. The people are the source of authority. They are sovreign and they shall exercise their sovreignty through the constitutional institutions.
E. The economic system is a free system that guarantees individual initiative and private ownership.
F. Culturally, socially, and economically-balanced development is a mainstay of the state's unity and of the system's stability.
G. Efforts (will be made) to achieve comprehensive social justice through fiscal, economic, and social reform.
H. Lebanon's soil is united and it belongs to all the Lebanese. Every Lebanese is entitled to live in and enjoy any part of the country under the supremacy of the law. The people may not be categorized on the basis of any affiliation whatsoever and there shall be no fragmentation, no partition, and no repatriation [of Palestinians in Lebanon].
I. No authority violating the common co-existance charter shall be legitimate
II. Political Reforms
A. Chamber of Deputies: The Chamber of Deputies is the legislative authority which exercises full control over government policy and activities.
1. The Chamber spokesman and his deputy shall be elected for the duration of the chamber's term.
2. In the first session, two years after it elects its speaker and deputy speaker, the chamber my vote only once to withdraw confidence from its speaker or deputy speaker with a 2/3 majority of its members and in accordance with a petition submitted by at least 10 deputies. In case confidence is withdrawn, the chamber shall convene immediately to fill the vacant post.
3. No urgent bill presented to the Chamber of Deputies may be issued unless it is included in the agenda of a public session and read in such a session, and unless the grace period stipulated by the constitution passes without a resolution on such a bill with the approval of the cabinet.
4. The electoral district shall be the governorate.
5. Until the Chamber of Deputies passes an election law free of secterian restriction, the parliamentary seats shall be divided according to the following bases:
a. Equally between Christians and Muslims.b. Proportionately between the denominations of each sect.c. Proportionately between the districts.
6. The number of members of the Chamber of Deputies shall be increased to 108, shared equally between Christians and Muslims. As for the districts created on the basis of this document and the districts whose seats became vacant prior to the proclamation of this document, their seats shall be filled only once on an emergency basis through appointment by the national accord government that is planned to be formed.
7. With the election of the first Chamber of Deputies on a national, not secterian, basis, a senate shall be formed and all the spiritual families shall be represented in it. The senate powers shall be confined to crucial issues.
B. President of Republic: The president of republic is the head of the state and a symbol of the country's unity. He shall contribute to enhancing the constitution and to preserving Lebanon's independence, unity, and territorial integrity in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. He is the supreme commander of the armed forces which are subject to the power of the cabinet. The president shall exercise the following powers:
1. Head the cabinet [meeting] whenever he wishes, but without voting.
2. Head the Supreme Defense Council.
3. Issues decrees and demand their publication. He shall also be entitled to ask the cabinet to reconsider any resolution it makes within 15 days of the date of depostion of the resolution with the presidential office. Should the cabinet insist on the adopted resolution, or should the grace period pass without issuing and returning the decree, the decree of the resolution shall be valid and must be published.
4. Promulgate laws in accordance with the grace period stipulated by the constitution and demand their publication upon ratification by the Chamber of Deputies. After notifying the cabinet, the president may also request reexamination of the laws within the grace periods provided by the constitution, and in accordance with the articles of the constitution. In case the laws are not issued or returned before the end of the grace periods, they shall be valid by law and they must be published.
5. Refer the bills presented to him by the Chamber of Deputies.
6. Name the prime minister-designate in consultation with the Chamber of Deputies speaker on the basis of binding parliamentary consultation, the outcome of which the president shall officially familiarize the speaker on.
7. Issue the decree appointing the prime minister independently.
8. On agreement with the prime minister, issue the decree forming the cabinet.
9. Issue decrees accepting the resignation of the cabinet or of cabinet ministers and decrees relieving them from their duties.
10. Appoint ambassadors, accept the accreditation of ambassadors, and award state medals by decree.
11. On agreement with the prime minister, negotiate on the conclusion and signing of international treaties which shall become valid only upon approval by the cabinet. The cabinet shall familiariaze the Chamber of Deputies with such treaties when the country's interest and state safety make such familiarization possible. As for treaties involving conditions concerning state finances, trade treaties, and other treaties which may not be abrogated annually, they may not be concluded without Chamber of Deputies' approval.
12. When the need arises, address messages to the Chamber of Deputies.
13. On agreement with the prime minister, summon the Chamber of Deputies to hold special sessions by decree.
14. The president of the republic is entitled to present to the cabinet any urgent issue beyond the agenda.
15. On agreement with the prime minister, call the cabinet to hold a special session whenever he deems it necessary.
16. Grant special pardon by decree.
17. In the performance of his duty, the president shall not be liable unless he violates the constitution or commits high treason.
C. Prime Minister: The prime minister is the head of the government. He represents it and speaks in its name. He is responsible for implementing the general policy drafted by the cabinet. The prime minister shall exercise the following powers:
1. Head the cabinet.
2. Hold parliamentary consultations to form the cabinet and co-sign with the president the decree forming it. The cabinet shall submit its cabinet statement to the Chamber of Deputies for a vote of confidence within 30 days [of its formation]. The cabinet may not exercise its powers before gaining the confidence, after its resignation, or when it is considered retired, except within the narrow sense of disposing of affairs.
3. Present the government's general policy to the Chamber of Deputies.
4. Sign all decrees, except for decrees naming the prime minister and decrees accepting cabinet resignation or considering it retired.
5. Sign the decree calling for a special session and decrees issuing laws and requesting the reexamination of laws.
6. Summon the cabinet to meet, draft its agenda, familiarize the president of the republic in advance with the issues included in the agenda and with the urgent issues to be discussed, and sign the usual session minutes.
7. Observe the activities of the public departments and institutions, coordinate between the ministers, and issue general instructions to ensure the smooth progress of work.
8. Hold working sessions with the state agencies concerned in the presence of the minister concerned.
9. By law, act as the Supreme Defense Council's deputy chairman.
D. Cabinet:
The executive power shall be vested in the Cabinet.
The following are among the powers exercised by it:
1- Set the general policy of the State in all domains, draws up draft bills and decrees, and takes the necessary decisions for its implementation.
2. Watch over the implementation of laws and regulations and supervise the activities of all the state agencies without exception, including the civilian, military, and security departments and institutions.
3. The cabinet is the authority which controls the armed forces.
4. Appoint, dismiss, and accept the resignation of state employees in accordance with the law.
5. It has the right to dissolve the Chamber of Deputies at the request of the president of the republic if the chamber refuses to meet throughout an ordinary or a special session lasting no less than one month, even though it is summoned twice consecutively, or if the chamber sends back the budget in its entirety with the purpose of paralyzing the government. This right may not be exercised again for the same reasons which called for dissolving the chamber in the first instance.
6. When the president of the republic is present, he heads cabinet sessions. The cabinet shall meet periodically at special headquarters. The legal quorum for a cabinet meeting is 2/3 the cabinet members. The cabinet shall adopt its resolutions by consent. If impossible, then by vote. The resolutions shall be adopted by a majority of the members present. As for major issues, they require the approval of 2/3 the cabinet members. The following shall be considered major issues: The state of emergency and it abolition, war and peace, general mobilization, international agreements and treaties, the state's general budget, comprehensive and long-term development plans, the appointment of top-level civil servants or their equivalent, reexamination of the administrative division, dissolving the Chamber of Deputies, the election law, the citizenship law, the personal status laws, and the dismissal of cabinet ministers.
E. Minister: The minister's powers shall be reinforced in a manner compatible with the government's general policiy and with the principle of collective responsibility. A minister shall not be relieved from his position unless by cabinet decree or unless the Chamber of Deputies withraws its confidence from him individually.
F. Cabinet Resignation, Considering Cabinet Retired, and Dismissal of Ministers:
1. The cabinet shall be considered retired in the following cases:
a. If its chairman resigns.b. If it loses more than 1/3 of its members as determined by the decree forming it.c. If its chairman dies.d. At the beginning of a president's term.e. At the beginning of the Chamber of Deputies' term.f. When the Chamber of Deputies withdraws its confidence from it on an initiative by the chamber itself and on the basis of a vote of confidence.
2. A minister shall be relieved by a decree signed by the president of the republic and the prime minister, with cabinet approval.
3. When the cabinet resigns or is considered retired, the Chamber of Deputies shall, by law, be considered to be convened in a special session until a new cabinet is formed. A vote-of-confidence session shall follow.
G. Abolition of Political Secterianism: Abolishing political secterianism is a fundamental national objective. To achieve it, it is required that efforts be made in accordance with a phased plan. The Chamber of Deputies electedon the basis of equal sharing by Christians and Muslims shall adopt the proper measures to achieve this objective and to form a national council which is headed by the president of the republic and which includes, in addition to the prime minister and the Chamber of Deputies speaker, political, intellectual, and social notables. The council's task will be to examine and propose the means capable of abolishing sectarianism, to present them to the Chamber of Deputies and the cabinet, and to observe implementation of the phased plan. The following shall be done in the interim period:
a. Abolish the sectarian representation base and rely on capability and specialization in public jobs, the judiciary, the military, security, public, and joint institutions, and in the independent agencies in accordance with the dictates of national accord, excluding the top-level jobs and equivalent jobs which shall be shared equally by Christians and Muslims without allocating any particular job to any sect.
b. Abolish the mention of sect and denomination on the identity card.
III. Other Reforms
A. Administrative Decentralism:
1. The State of Lebanon shall be a single and united state with a strong central authority.
2. The powers of the governors and district administrative officers shall be expanded and all state administartions shall be represented in the administrative provinces at the highest level possible so as to facilitate serving the citizens and meeting their needs locally.
3. The administrative division shall be recognized in a manner that emphasizes national fusion within the framework of preserving common coexistance and unity of the soil, people, and institutions.
4. Expanded administrative decentralization shall be adopted at the level of the smaller administrative units [ district and smaller units ] through the election of a council, headed by the district officer, in every district, to ensure local participation.
5. A comprehensive and unified development plan capable of developing the provinces economically and socially shall be adopted and the resources of the municipalities, unified municipalities, and municipal unions shall be reinforced with the necessary financial resources.
B. Courts:
[1] To guarantee that all officials and citizens are subject to the supremacy of the law and to insure harmony between the action of the legislative and executive authorities on the one hand, and the givens of common coexistance and the basic rights of the Lebanese as stipulated in the constitution on the other hand:
1. The higher council which is stipulated by the constitution and whose task it is to try presidents and ministers shall be formed. A special law on the rules of trial before this council shall be promulgated.
2. A constitutional council shall be created to interpret the constitution, to observe the constitutionality of the laws, and to settle disputes and contests emanating from presidential and parliamentary elections.
3. The following authorities shall be entitled to revise the constitutional council in matters pertaining to interpreting the constitution and observing the constitutionality of the laws:
a. The president of the republic. b. The Chamber of Deputies speaker.c. The prime minister.d. A certain percentage of members of the Chamber of Deputies.
[2] To ensure the principle of harmony between religion and state, the heads of the Lebanese sects may revise the constitutional council in matters pertaining to:
1. Personal status affairs.2. Freedom of religion and the practice of religious rites.3. Freedom of religious education.
[3]. To ensure the judiciary's independence, a certain number of the the Higher Judiciary Council shall be elected by the judiciary body.
D. Parliamentary Election Law: Parliamentary elections shall be held in accordance with a new law on the basis of provinces and in the light of rules that guarantee common coexistance between the Lebanese, and that ensure the sound and efficient political representation of all the people's factions and generations. This shall be done after reviewing the administrative division within the context of unity of the people, the land, and the institutions.
E. Creation of a socioeconomic council for development: A socioeconomic council shall be created to insure that representatives of the various sectors participate in drafting the state's socioeconomic policy and providing advice and proposals.
F. Education:
1. Education shall be provided to all and shall be made obligatory for the elementary stage at least.
2. The freedom of education shall be emphasized in accordance with general laws and regulations.
3. Private education shall be protected and state control over private schools and textbooks shall be strengthened.
4. Official, vocational, and technological education shall be reformed, strengthened, and developed in a manner that meets the country's development and reconstruction needs. The conditions of the Lebanese University shall be reformed and aid shall be provided to the university, especially to its technical colleges.
5. The curricula shall be reviewed and developed in a manner that strengthens national belonging, fusion, spiritual and cultural openness, and that unifies textbooks on the subjects of history and national education.
G. Information: All the information media shall be reorganized under the canopy of the law and within the framework of responsible liberties that serve the cautious tendencies and the objective of ending the state of war.
Second, spreading the sovereignty of the State of Lebanon over all Lebanese territories:
Considering that all Lebanese factions have agreed to the establishment of a strong state founded on the basis of national accord, the national accord government shall draft a detailed one-year plan whose objective is to spread the sovereignty of the State of Lebanon over all Lebanese territories gradually with the state's own forces. The broad lines of the plan shall be as follows:
A. Disbanding of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias shall be announced. The militias' weapons shall be delivered to the State of Lebanon within a period of 6 months, beginning with the approval of the national accord charter. The president of the republic shall be elected. A national accord cabinet shall be formed, and the political reforms shall be approved constitutionally.
B. The internal security forces shall be strengthened through:
1. Opening the door of voluntarism to all the Lebanese without exception, beginning the training of volunteers centrally, distributing the volunteers to the units in the governorates, and subjecting them to organized periodic training courses.
2. Strengthening the security agency to insure control over the entry and departure of individuals into and out of the country by land, air, and sea.
C. Strengthening the armed forces:
1. The fundamental task of the armed forces is to defend the homeland, and if necessary, protect public order when the danger exceeds the capability of the internal security forces to deal with such a danger on their own.
2. The armed forces shall be used to support the internal security forces in preserving security under conditions determined by the cabinet.
3. The armed forces shall be unified, prepared, and trained in order that they may be able to shoulder their national responsibilities in confronting Israeli aggression.
4. When the internal security forces become ready to assume their security tasks, the armed forces shall return to their barracks.
5. The armed forces intelligence shall be reorganized to serve military objectives exclusively.
D. The problem of the Lebanese evacuees shall be solved fundamentally, and the right of every Lebanese evicted since 1975 to return to the place from which he was evicted shall be established. Legistlation to guarantee this right and to insure the means of reconstruction shall be issued. Considering that the objective of the State of Lebanon is to spread its authority over all the Lebanese territories through its own forces, represented primarily by the internal security forces, and in view of the fraternal relations binding Syria to Lebanon, the Syrian forces shall thankfully assist the forces of the legitimate Lebanese government to spread the authority of the State of Lebanon within a set period of no more than 2 years, beginning with ratification of the national accord charter, election of the president of the republic, formation of the national accord cabinet, and approval of the political reforms constitutionally. At the end of this period, the two governments -- the Syrian Government and the Lebanese National Accord Government -- shall decide to redeploy the Syrian forces in Al-Biq'a area from Dahr al-Baydar to the Hammana-al-Mudayrij-'Ayn Darah line, and if necessary, at other points to be determined by a joint Lebanese-Syrian military committee. An agreement shall also be concluded by the two governments to determine the strength and duration of the presence of Syrian forces in the above-mentioned area and to define these forces' relationship with the Lebanese state authorities where the forces exist. The Arab Tripartite Committee is prepared to assist the two states, if they so wish, to develop this agreement.
Third, liberating Lebanon from the Israeli occupation:
Regaining state authority over the territories extending to the internationally-recognized Lebanese borders requires the following:
A. Efforts to implement resolution 425 and the other UN Security Council resolutions calling for fully eliminating the Israeli occupation.
B. Adherence to the truce agreement concluded on 23 March 1949.
C. Taking all the steps necessary to liberate all Lebanese territories from the Israeli occupation, to spread state sovereignty over all the territories, and to deploy the Lebanese army in the border area adjacent to Israel; and making efforts to reinforce the presence of the UN forces in South Lebanon to insure the Israeli withdawl and to provide the opportunity for the return of security and stability to the border area.
Fourth, Lebanese-Syrian Relations:
Lebanon, with its Arab identity, is tied to all the Arab countries by true fraternal relations. Between Lebanon and Syria there is a special relationship that derives its strength from the roots of blood relationships, history, and joint fraternal interests. This is the concept on which the two countries' coordination and cooperation is founded, and which will be embodied by the agreements between the two countries in all areas, in a manner that accomplishes the two fraternal countries' interests within the framework of the sovereignty and independence of each of them. Therefore, and because strengthening the bases of security creates the climate needed to develop these bonds, Lebanon should not be allowed to constitute a source of threat to Syria's security, and Syria should not be allowed to constitute a source of threat to Lebanon's security under any circumstances. Consequently, Lebanon should not allow itself to become a pathway or a base for any force, state, or organization seeking to undermine its security or Syria's security. Syria, which is eager for Lebanon's security, independence, and unity and for harmony among its citizens, should not permit any act that poses a threat to Lebanon's security, independence, and sovereignty.
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