jeudi, juillet 13, 2006


Over a telephone conversation with my friends in Palestine and in Lebanon, I have felt what circumstances they are living. I was online with my friend Siba when the israelies where bombarding nearby her city, northern Lebanon. From the other side, my friends Mohammed and Mahmoud in Gaza, were living without electrecity, no petrolum, no gas, the life was paralized there. I do not know when the Arab and the Moslim world will take a positive step to stop teh Israeli's military operations. It becomes very clear that Israel is not respecting the international law and I become more and more ashamed, because as someone who belives in peace, I have no argument now to support the peace process in the Middle East. But sorry to say atht we, the Arabs, we have missed many occasions to establish peace. Now we are just paying the bill. Citizens, wake-up from your asleep, try to change things, go down to teh street if necessary, save your honor, independence and freedom is with a price, with a blood. some have to pay their lives tp bring it to the other. Many people died just to allow the next generation to live with a pride, the pride that some follows stole from us, wake-up!