dimanche, avril 30, 2006


I do not know why I want to know why the Leabanese politicians do not like to make mutual compomises in order to take off from their frozen situation..It is because they are focusing on their benefits and the power.
I do not know why Syria does not like to draw the border with Lebanon and to exchange Ambassadors with it..It is because Syria is believing that Lebanon is a part of Syria and if the Syrians accept to draw the borders especially of Shabaa, Hezbollah as well as President Emile Lahud presence will be of no sense..so as long as the file of Shabaa firms is not solved..as long as Hezbollah and Emile Lahud will stay, not onlky in power, but in serving Syrian's business in Lebanon too.
I do not why I want to express my pride of two bloggers: Tarek Cheniti & Hannibal..I am very proud of them..It is because they are bringing respect to Tunisia & Tunisians.
I do not know why I believe that Zizou from Djerba is a Jew..It is because all the time he is posting articles about Jewish and he is linking the site of "Harissa", a jewish site ;)
I do not know why I want you to know that I am involved in politics..May be it is because I do not want to have a "mask" and a distance between me and my dear bloggers especially: Troubadour (who knows), marouen, Subzero Blue, AquaCool, infinity, Adib, Zizou, Tarek, Hannibal and Evil . That things does not mean that I am a SPY ;)
I do not know why I want to express my hate to : Bin Laden, Al Zawahiri and Al Zarquawee..It is clear because I do not share them their thoughts and the way they are using. I was educated to love and respect the other, that's why I will defenf Peace and no violence forever.
I do not know why I have a feeling that I will be rocked with comments..so please be soft with me :)


Why do not the Tunisian government tries to establish a nuclear reactor to provide Tunisia with energy and to be used in civil purpose?
I have heared that Morocco is studying a similar project.
Concerning Iran, I am against its program, because as said before, Iran is still wanting to export its Islamic Revolution outside Iran and it is clear that Iranians are wanting to get their own nuclear bomb. The Iranian government is lying, because it is impossible to enrich uranium however it gets its reactor finished. More than that, if Iran is really wanting to use the nuclear energy for civil purposes, the enriched uranium is availbale in the international market. More, Iran does not have a pre-alarm warning system, which means that the whole region is threatned. Just for your knowledge, the Iranian nuclear reactor of Bushaher, is three times closer to Koweit than Tehran.
I am saying all of that to warn those who are supporting Iran because of emotion..just because they hate USA & Israel..


Camilla is asking herself whether or not she will become the Queen of the British people one day.
56% of the british prefer her as "the King's wife", 21% as "Queen".
It appears that our beloved Diana will not be forgotten easily.
During the last visit of the Royal couple to USA, Camilla was not accepted by the Americans whom can not forget the beautiful Lady Diana, dancing with Travolta in the White House.

samedi, avril 29, 2006


These days I am missing the comments of two bloggers: Hannibal & Tarek Cheniti. I do not know if they are visiting or not my blog, but I was used to read from them. I hope that I did not make any mistake or stupid thing, so that they felt ennuied?!
What I am hating is the fact to turn my thoughts & ideas. I was surprised that the pictures that I posted to commemorate the WSIS Tunis 2005, have brought to me a lot of undesirable comments ;)
It was better to me to be saved :)

jeudi, avril 27, 2006

تونسية مرشحة لنيل جائزة نوبل للعلوم

اليونيسكو ترشح الباحثة حبيبة الشعبوني لنيل جائزة نوبل للعلوم بعد رحلة مضنية من البحث العلمي
تعد الدكتورة حبيبة الشعبوني مختصة في علم الوراثة، ثاني سيدة تونسية مرشحة للفوز بالجائزة، بعد الدكتورة زهرة بالاخضر المختصة في الفيزياء الضوئية في السنة الماضية
وكانت الشعبوني، التي تعمل رئيسة لقسم الأمراض الوراثية والخلقية، في مستشفى "شارل نيكول" بالعاصمة التونسية، واحدة من خمس باحثات، حصلن على جوائز اليونيسكو هذا العام، وهن: باميلا بجوركمان من الولايات المتحدة، وكريستين فان بروكهوفن من بلجيكا، وأستر أوروزو من المكسيك، وجنيفر غريفس من أستراليا، وبذلك توزعت الجوائز على القارات الخمس
وتُعتبر الفائزات مرشحات لجائزة نوبل للعلوم آليا، وتخص اليونيسكو السيدات بهذه الجوائز السنوية، لأن عدد النساء الباحثات في العالم أقل من الرجال، ما حفزها على تشجيعهن
ويعزو البعض هذا التفوق إلى إقبال التونسيات المبكر على المدارس، بعد سنَ مجلة الأحوال الشخصية، الذي تحتفل البلاد في 13 آب
(أغسطس) المقبل، بمرور خمسين سنة على إصدارها
وتعتقد الدكتورة الشعبوني، أن هذا العنصر عزز من مصداقية الجائزة التي حصلت عليها، لأنه ليس من اليسير على منظمة دولية أن تمنح جائزة لبلد واحد في سنتين متتاليتين، مما يعني أن اللجنة فكرت مليا واقتنعت بأهمية البحوث التي قدمتها، على حد قولها
وفيما تهتم الدكتورة زهرة بالأخضر بالفيزياء الضوئية، أمضت زميلتها الشعبوني أكثر من ستة وعشرين عاما، تبحث في علم الوراثة، أملا في حماية العائلات التونسية من الأمراض الوراثية، خاصة أن تونس تُعتبر من البلدان التي فيها أعلى النسب من تلك الأمراض في العالم، بسبب انتشار الزيجات بين الأقارب
وأفادت الشعبوني أنها بدأت دراسة علم الوراثة في سنة 1976، وأنها باشرت العمل بصفتها أول طبيبة مختصة في الأمراض الوراثية والخلقية، في سنة 1980، إلا أنها لم تكتف بذلك المستوى، وإنما عملت على نشر تخصصها الطبي وتكوين الأطباء في هذا المجال، فحققت أمنيتها بتأسيس أول قسم للأمراض الوراثية في المستشفيات التونسية، بالإضافة لجهودها من أجل نشر الوعي بمخاطر الأمراض الوراثية، ومحاولة الإقناع بتفادي الزيجات بين الأقارب
ويتمثل عمل الدكتورة الشعبوني في تحديد أسباب المرض، في معرفة ما إذا كان عارضا أم هناك عناصر تؤدي إلى تكراره، وإصابة الأبناء به
ومن أهم النجاحات التي حققتها في مسيرتها العلمية، انتقالها من مرحلة تشخيص الأمراض المترتبة على الزواج بين الأقارب للوقاية منها، إلى مرحلة العلاج، إذ صارت قادرة على إجراء عمليات جراحية لتعديل التشوَهات التي تصيب الأطفال، نتيجة أمراض وراثية، أو اختلالات جينية
وأكدت أن تلك الفحوص، كما تقول الباحثة: "أتاحت اكتشاف أمراض كنا نجهل أنها موجودة في تونس، وتطوير الأبحاث الطبية المحلية في
".تنسيق مع الأبحاث المماثلة على الصعيد العالمي
وتنتشر اليوم في أغلب كليات الطب التونسية أقاسم الطب الوراثي، ويرجع فضل ذلك إلى جهود الدكتورة الشعبوني، التي تمكنت بعد رحلة شاقة من البحث العلمي، في أن تكون هذه الأقسام والمعامل العلمية، تحت طاقم كبير من الأطباء، يقومون بأبحاث مستمرة في هذا المجال، بإشرافها وتوجيهها، تحت شعار: "ضرورة العمل المبكر من أجل تفادي إصابة يمكن منعها". قدس برس


It was night, with a little wind outside Hilton Hotel, Charlotte, NC, USA. As the hotel was far away from down town, my group was divided into four.
The first one outside the hotel, walking on the lake; the second one was in meeting in a room; the third:zzzzzzz...sleeping and the fourth one was siting in the lobby hotel. Nothing to do, so I started with Zahra (in the pic), Palestinian of 48 living in Israel in plyaing card. ho wins, would take all the boxes (US$) on the table.
Can you guess who won?
...absolutly...Zahra had won me..

mardi, avril 25, 2006


Happy Birthady Your Majesty & God Save The Queen

God Save our Gracious Queen
Long Live Our Noble Queen
God Save The Queen
Send Her Victorious
Happy and Glorious
Long Live To Reign over us
God Save The Queen


( The Police Zone * Tunis Carthage International Airport)

The WSIS Tunis 2005 volunteerism, had allowed us to meet with Royalists, Head of States, Forign Ministers, Head of Delegations, Ministers, Ambassadors, Officials, but also it allowed us to meet with famous persons "stars" such as singers, actors or sports men.
This pictures was taken during the coming back of our national football team from Egypt. Our "Eagles" of Carthage were playing a friendly match with the Egyptian.
Result..is known..Tunisia won.


(Main Hall of Tunis Carthage International Airport)

This is one of my favourite pictures taken during the last days of the Summit. As now you know me through the last pictures posted, you can take your time in order to find where I am :)
Cette photo collective des volontaires du SMSI, est l'une de mes photos preferee. Comme vous avez une idée de moi, vu mes photos publiées précedement, donc c'est à vous cette fois ci de me cherchez :)


( Tunisair VIP Lounge * Tunis Carthage International Airport)

I think it is time to statr posting pictures of the World Summit on the Information Soviety, Tunis 2005.
Here is my Official Portrait.

samedi, avril 22, 2006


This picture was taking inside the office of the Council of International Visitors, Charlotte, North Carolina State, USA. Mohamed Shamia is a friend from Gaza, Palestine.
As Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating Her 80th birthday, I want to forward Her with my Best Whishes and to say "Hap'..Hap'..Birthady"
Many people are talking that it seems that Prince Charles, as Crown Prince, is never going to be a king. Many of the British are wanting Prince William to be as their future King, however it is clear that Her Majesty is determined to continue Her Duties. Mr. Tarek Cheniti, our TN Blogs' correspondent from Oxford is better located to further us with more details.

mardi, avril 18, 2006


Hearing the news of Saddam's trial delay, I was thinking about what is happening in Iraq, before, now and what would be the situation in the future.
When the Egyptian President Mohamed Hosni Mubarek has said that the Shiite's loyality is all the time towards Iran, not to their own countries, world "stood up and never sat down". The Iraqi shiites disliked that say and the Egyptian President has withdrewn his first statement saying that he was talking about religious loyality not politically. NO, Mr. the president, you were right. The shiite's loyality is always towards Iran, and we shall not forget that one of the Iranian Islamic Revolution is to export the revolution to the world especially the Iranian's neighbours like Iraq, the Arabian Gulf, the Middle East and for far the Islamic world. Iran is playing its whole card especially in the present ciercumstances and we, the Arabs and the Muslims, we shall not be happy of the Iranian nuclear project.
Back to the topic!
I was watching Saddam's trial, then a question has came to my mind. What if Saddam Hussein was in office, and a similar trial was going on in Iraq. What would be the reaction of Saddam towards people who had tried to kill or already had killed or ordered to kill or to manage a "a coup d'Etat" ? The answer is that Saddam Hussein would order them to a death sentence without trial. So, I want to say to all those people who are denying democracy on Iraq to be quiet, because the fact of sending Saddam to trial untill now, without sentenced him, is a clear evidence of the respect of law and although Saddam will be sentenced to death (may not), he deserves it because all of us, we know what he did during his dictaturship.
Back to the famous Dr. Al Jaafaree, Dr, I think it is better to you to withdraw from the political scene and to allow your colleagues continue their negotiation to form the Iraqi government and to try to focus on building the country. LEAVE THE CHAIR, Dr. Al Jaafaree and try to do something good before regret it one day.
Former Lebanese PM the late Rafic Hariri had put above the principal front door of the Government's Palace "Assaray Al Kabir" a marble plate written on it " if it persisted to your predecessor, it wouldn't come to you".


Brave man, of kind personality, with warm heart and deep faith. These personal qualities describe very well the late pope Jean Paul II who died a year ago.
It was shocking time when the Holy City of Vaticans' spoksman had announced the daeth of the Pope. I recall how many people were gathered in the main square of the city. Rome was very sad and prayers were recited from the whole world.

dimanche, avril 16, 2006


This Monday is very imporatnt to me as well as to my family.
My father is going to enter the hospital in order to make a medical follow-up and if his health condition would be stable, he will be operated in the next few days.
Last period his file had been studied by professors in France.
In this moment of love & fear, all my family members are gathered at our home, my oncles have came from abroad and my friends throughout the world are making their prayers.
All what I need now, is your support dear bloggers & I hope that next time I will join you during the Blogger's meet-up knowing that my father is ok, enshallah.

mercredi, avril 12, 2006


"Nabbarra", this is typical qualification of the Tunisian citizens.
As you know, I am sharing a flat with some friends with whom I am in a perpetual conflict of interest and misunderstandings.
Last time, watching the Tunisian TV Channel Tunis 7, they were making "empty" comments.
-"Oh! "After the break". It isn't like Al JAzeera?", said one of them with a big laugh on his face.
The other started laughing and making other comments and description without basis.
I shouted:"NO! It is not true. The first channel to follow the Anglo-american system of broadcasting was MBC. Tunis 7 is just following a worldwide behaviour, altthough the existence of some gaps, stop your irony and hypocrisy. Nabbarra nta3 wedni!".
Another one made another comments ver the weather forcast of Tunis 7, too. " What colours! what animation! Hheheheh"
And they started again in thier laughs that qualify of non respect of our homeland. I do not know if they are following international televisions like Euronews or the majority of the Arabic Tv channels or the Anglo-American ones.
Nabbarra, I believe is the best qualification of the Dear Tunisians who are very brave when talking in corners and saying untrue statements.
It is really very shamefull!

lundi, avril 10, 2006


I like to talk about anything. But nothing to post. My thoughts are now frozen. My father's health condition is becoming worse & worse. I do not know what to write, what to do, what to think about? FADDIIIIITTTEEE.

samedi, avril 08, 2006


Many of my friends have criticized me because of my follow-up to Star Academy 3 Middle East. I remember one time I was talikng by phone to my dear Siba, from Lebanon.
- I: " sabsoub, do you follow star academy3?"
- Siba:" yey 3lik. Wenta 3am te7dar hek echya? ya 3eb echoum!"
- I replied:" no. I am following them because they were 19 students. The samre number of our group nineteen & many of them are from the same nationalities as we."
Yes. I was following them because they allowed me to remember my group, my friends and the wonderfull moments that we have spent together. I believe that friendship is very precious & that the Lebanese Joseph Atieh is deserving to be crowned as Star.
Long Live Lebanon ;)


April 2000 * April 2006
Tunisia & Tunisian, celebrated last week the 6th anniversary of the Death of our Leader & first President Habib Bourguiba.
May God Bless His Soul

jeudi, avril 06, 2006


Although my sadness over my dad's health statuts, I am trying to continue my life. Last time, I and my friends, we were making our dinner and I was making a juice, when we started talking about Saddam Hussein. Here are my point of views over the Middle East:
I disagree with Saddam Hussein. When he invaded Kuwait, I was in Saudi Arabia. Please follow me now, I will start from 1979, the Islamic Revolution year in Iran.
One of the main purposes of the Islamic Revolution, headed by Imam Khomaini, was to spread the Islamic Revolution to the world, especially to the neighbhoors like Iraq, especially that in the south there is a huge crowd of Shiite, and to the Arabian Gulf countries and to the Middle East then to the Islamic World. But keep in mind, that any foreign interference in local business will fail, if not supported by the people of the interested country, look to Iraq now and to the USA policy in spreading democracy.
When Saddam Hussein took the power in Iraq, by force of course, he declared war on Iran. The said countries found in that an opportunity to keep the Iranian threat away, so, Saudi Arabia, Koweit, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Russia & USA, they were helping Iraq by providing him with the necessary money, billion & billion of US Dollars, and military equipements. Just keep this in your mind, please, to realize how we, the Arabs, are unfaithful. Do you know which countries were providing Iran with money and military equipments, Israel yes, BUT Syria, too. USA handled huge pressure on Israel to stop its aid to Iran.
I believe that the Iraqi invasion of Koweit was the most stupid stap that Saddam has ever done. Whatever his arguments are, I am considering them as faulty. If he was thinking that koweit is the 19 th district of Iraq, due to history, listen to this:
- Tripoli, the capital of Libya was historically under the Tunisian territory.
- Former border of Tunisia, was in connection with Annaba and Cosantine in Algeria.
- Lebanon was a part of syria.
- All the territories located behind the daed sea on the Jordanian side, were Palestinian, until Amman.
- City of Gizan in Saudi Arabia, is yemenite.
- What about Qatar, Bagrain, Oman, UAE?
- The whole Sudan, was Egyptian.
You can now make a deduction. If we will apply Saddam's thoughts, you can imagine how our Arab World will be. He was a crazy man. A bloody man.
Many people are supporting the idea of non existence of mass destruction weapons in Iraq, and that USA was searching an excuse to make a war. Sorry, I do not think that the Americans are so stupid. They have made wrong decisions and faults, yes, but decision like that...
Why did the Iraqi government allowed the UN commissioners entering Iraq and destroying a lot of chemical weapon? Do you remember when the Iraqi officials, said live on TV, that their chemical weapons are being destroyed by the UN investigation commission, do not agree that that was a positive statement that Iraq owned such kind of weapon?
Moroever, Saddam is now denying that he ordered to kill citizens of Doujeil, because some of its citizens tried to kill him. Heh! Saddam who tried to kill the former President of Iraq, when he was in his twenties, now is denying such thing!
Assuming that he is right, may be the man is right, why not, what about the killing of the Kurd in Hallabjah northern Iraq? It was clear what the Iraqi had done in the eighties. Everything is taped & recoreded. It was clear too, that the Iraqi forces were using chemical weapon which means that Iraq could make mass destructive weapons, may be nuclear, why not?
Having nuclear weapons, why not, as well as Israel owns them, but at least Israel or the USA, are using these weapons in order to protect their borders and business not in killing theirs citizens.
Saddam Hussein has made a lot of mistakes, now he has to pay the bill and I want tell those who are supporting him to be ashemed. Do you remember when Saddam Hussein had started bombarding Israel? He started doing that when he felt that the world community is against him especially many governments that he thought thay would be supporters of his "tactic". He was bombarding Israel and talking about freeing Palestine, just in order to get compassion and sympathy of the Arab and world streets, from people, to make pressure under the different government. He was using them, not serving them. Poor Palestine. It becames just as a "logo" to get supporters. If he was liking to free Palestine, why did not he invaded Israel, instead of Koweit? Where are the Koweities kept by his forces?
Saddam Hussein is a man of blood and killing, he deserves what is happening to him and I hope that some head of states will take lessons from his story and sad end like that of Hitler, Mossolini and Milosevic.
لـو دامت لغيرك، لما آلت إليك، هذه الكلمات كتبها رئيس الوزراء البناني الراحل رفيق الحريري على رخامة وضعها في أعلي مدخل قصر السراي الكبير، مقر رئاسة الوزراء في العاصمة البنانية بيروت

mercredi, avril 05, 2006


During the celebration of my blogs' 1st anniversary, dear Tarek (http://tarek-cheniti.blogspot.com/) has qualified my blog in saying :" I would delightly refer to your blog as the "blog of hope". Very nice and inspiring".
Today, I am searching the hope and the comfort that I was used to talk about.
My father is very sick. In fact, I was thinking over and over before writting this article.
Neither time, nor luck are in our favour. two weeks ago, we were celebrating the 50th Independence anniversary of Tunisia, so we were in vacation and it was impossible to treat my dad's suffers. Now, my father's doctors and medical staff are in Paris attending an international conference so we have to wait for another week.
I am a believer, a Muslim and I know very well that all of us will die, but here we are talking about my father who is just 50 years old. I am his eldest son, 26.
I can not stand watching him weak, suffering or screaming. I can not either watching my mother's face,48, sad and looking at a dark future, my sister, 22, & my brothers, 15 & 10.
I can not even stay at our home for a long time. I want to escape any unpleased event. I do not like to see my father dying.
In this critical time, we are praying God for his recover and to bless him.
I want to thank all my friends who have sent me emails, sms or even taking the trouble and calling me to show thair sympathy and comfort and to pray for my dady life. They call me from every where, USA, Morocco, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia.
Dear bloggers, please pray with us in order to help my father and keeping him alive, enshallah. Please.
the last sentence that i want to say is: MY FATHER, I LOVE YOU. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE US