Many of us in the Arab world talk about the threat coming from the West, however I believe that the true threat is coming from East, fom our neighboors and from us. I believe that Devil is living in our pokets!
Accross history, we have aplauded many leaders and we adopted many ideas and ideologies but in mainly cases, we have chosen the wrong way. For example: many suppoted Germany and Hitler during the Second World War.
Many supported Gamel Abdel Nasser and his ideology of throwing Jewish and Isrealis into sea. We are still waiting for such event although Palstinians have been thrown in refugees camp.
Other supported Iraqi invasion to Kuwait. It seems that they forgot that Kuwait, whatever its policy is, is an Arabic country and I think that you know how the story ended so I do not need to talk about it again!
We play all the time the role of a victim and we blame the world of what is happening to us without trying to find solutions or to review our behaviors.
Today, many of us are supporting Iran and its nuclear program. I know that Iran has the right to get nuclear energy, and I know that Israel, our enemy, let's say exactly: your enemy, has nuclear weapons although it is not officially announced. But this does not give Iran the right to get its nuclear weapons because it presents a threat to the international community. Moreover, it will be hard to use nuclear weapons against Israel because there are Palestinians who are living there. So, if Ahmadi Najed will "eliminate Israel", in fact he will be eliminating Palestine too! I believe that he needs to take lessons in geography!
Iran is threatening the world of closing the passage of Hurmuz from where 40% of the worldwide oil provision circulate. This plan is as if Iran is fucking all the world and is threatening international community. It is threatening your jobs, lives, promotions, progress, future and your plans.