dimanche, octobre 29, 2006
Today, October 29th, is my 27th birthady. What I liked the most is that the first wishes came from an Israeli good lady ;)
vendredi, octobre 27, 2006
اعلنت وزارة الخارجية التونسية في بيان الاربعاء اغلاق سفارة الجمهورية التونسية في قطر احتجاجا على "حملة مغرضة مركزة تستهدف الاساءة لتونس" تقوم بها قناة الجزيرة القطرية
واضاف بيان الوزارة انه "امام هذا التطور الخطير قررت تونس انهاء تمثيلها الدبلوماسي في قطر وغلق سفارتها في الدوحة رغم ما تكنه من مودة وتقدير لقطر الشقيق"
وجاء القرار التونسي عقب بث قناة الجزيرة في 14 تشرين الاول/اكتوبر مقابلة مع المعارض التونسي منصف المرزوقي دعا فيها الى "العصيان المدني" ضد السلطات التونسية
واوضحت وزارة الخارجية التونسية في بيانها ان قناة الجزيرة "دأبت على مجافاة الحقيقة والموضوعية في تعاطيها مع الشأن التونسي مستهترة باخلاق المهنة وبأبسط قواعدها وذلك في اطار حملة مغرضة مركزة تستهدف الاساءة لتونس"
وبثت القناة القطرية لقاء آخر مع منصف المرزوقي رئيس حزب "المؤتمر من اجل الجمهورية" المحظور بعد ساعات من عودته السبت الماضي الى تونس اثر فترة اقامة في فرنسا استمرت خمس سنوات
والمرزوقي (61 عاما) الذي بقي طليقا بعد عودته الى تونس قال انه يرفض الاستجابة لاستدعاء من قاضي التحقيق الذي يرغب في مساءلته عن دعوته في مقابلته الاولى مع الجزيرة الى "توحيد كافة اشكال المقاومة" في تونس
واضاف بيان الخارجية التونسية "ان ما اقدمت عليه قناة الجزيرة القطرية في الاونة الاخيرة من مواقف مغرضة ومقصودة تجاوز كل الحدود ويتنافى مع كل المبادئ والاخلاق التي يقوم عليها العمل الاعلامي
وتابع "ان هذه المواقف تجاوزت حرية التعبير بفتح المجال للتحريض على اعمال الشغب والنداء للفتنة مما يتناقض مع كل الاعراف والمواثيق الدولية وقواعد التعامل بين الدول"
ومضت الخارجية التونسية تقول "ان تونس التي تحترم حرية الرأي والتعبير وتمارسها وتقدر الاعلام النزيه حق قدره قد جعلت من هذه المبادئ النبيلة خيارا اساسيا في توجهاتها السياسية والتزمت بها قولا وممارسة"
واضاف بيان الوزارة انه "امام هذا التطور الخطير قررت تونس انهاء تمثيلها الدبلوماسي في قطر وغلق سفارتها في الدوحة رغم ما تكنه من مودة وتقدير لقطر الشقيق"
وجاء القرار التونسي عقب بث قناة الجزيرة في 14 تشرين الاول/اكتوبر مقابلة مع المعارض التونسي منصف المرزوقي دعا فيها الى "العصيان المدني" ضد السلطات التونسية
واوضحت وزارة الخارجية التونسية في بيانها ان قناة الجزيرة "دأبت على مجافاة الحقيقة والموضوعية في تعاطيها مع الشأن التونسي مستهترة باخلاق المهنة وبأبسط قواعدها وذلك في اطار حملة مغرضة مركزة تستهدف الاساءة لتونس"
وبثت القناة القطرية لقاء آخر مع منصف المرزوقي رئيس حزب "المؤتمر من اجل الجمهورية" المحظور بعد ساعات من عودته السبت الماضي الى تونس اثر فترة اقامة في فرنسا استمرت خمس سنوات
والمرزوقي (61 عاما) الذي بقي طليقا بعد عودته الى تونس قال انه يرفض الاستجابة لاستدعاء من قاضي التحقيق الذي يرغب في مساءلته عن دعوته في مقابلته الاولى مع الجزيرة الى "توحيد كافة اشكال المقاومة" في تونس
واضاف بيان الخارجية التونسية "ان ما اقدمت عليه قناة الجزيرة القطرية في الاونة الاخيرة من مواقف مغرضة ومقصودة تجاوز كل الحدود ويتنافى مع كل المبادئ والاخلاق التي يقوم عليها العمل الاعلامي
وتابع "ان هذه المواقف تجاوزت حرية التعبير بفتح المجال للتحريض على اعمال الشغب والنداء للفتنة مما يتناقض مع كل الاعراف والمواثيق الدولية وقواعد التعامل بين الدول"
ومضت الخارجية التونسية تقول "ان تونس التي تحترم حرية الرأي والتعبير وتمارسها وتقدر الاعلام النزيه حق قدره قد جعلت من هذه المبادئ النبيلة خيارا اساسيا في توجهاتها السياسية والتزمت بها قولا وممارسة"
jeudi, octobre 26, 2006



Tunisia has closed its embassy in Doha, Qatar because of what is called a "hostile campaign" against Tunisia. The statement added that Tunisia is withdrwing its diplomatic mission "despite the esteem and respect in which it holds this brother country." According to the aforesaid statement, Al Jazeera "ignores truth and objectivity every time that it deals with current affairs in Tunisia ... apparently waging a hostile campaign aimed at harming Tunisia." The Tunisian Foreign Ministry emphasised that "in its deliberately malevolent attitude towards Tunisia, Al-Jazeera has gone beyond every limit and broken the moral rules on which journalistic practice is based." It added, "Such stances are also in contradiction with the principle of free expression, because they incite disorder and sedition, violating international laws and usage and the values which underpin relations between states." MORE, the foreing ministry said: "Tunisia, which respects and exercises freedom of opinion and expression and appreciates all honest information to its full value, has made these noble values its own and a fundamental part of its political policies."
I do not agree with such step. WHY not to close our Embassy in France for example? or in Washignton DC?
I believe that such decision was taken with no reasonable care!
dimanche, octobre 22, 2006

The topic these days in Tunisia, is the govermental and security compaign against the veil. Many girls and women have been embaressed or ennuied by the authorities because of wearing the veil. I believe and I KNOW that some girls and women wear the veil however they are BITCHES and WHORES, but many others are wanting just to obey the religious law: al sharia'a. As to my concern, I believe of what is called: DIFFERENCE and RESPECT of the others' choice. You are FREE to do whatever you want but in accordance to LAWS. Which means, in my point of view, that as long as you are not a threat to the national security or the public order and as long as you behave good, you are free.
I heard some ministers and officials saying that the veil will bring back the Tunisian woman to the stages of the 18th and the 19th century and that the Tunisian woman will loose her achievements since August 1956. I reply to them, SORRY, this is not true. LOOK to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Koweit, Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria, Indonesia and Malaysia. The VEIL is not an OBSTACLE..to progress, to work and to invent. However, the MENTALITIES could be when depriving people from their freedom of speech and their rights to live in dignity!
vendredi, octobre 20, 2006


Last time I was watching a documentary broadcasted by France 2. The topic was about the Middle East peace process. Watching it, I have asked my self: "look! what will happen if all the arab countries sign peace treaty with Israel?" What do you think? May be things will be changed and by signing peace treaties, we may negotiate with them the Palestinian case afterwads. I believe that is better for both of us the break the ice. To try to build bridges of communication, ti end the hate of centuries ago and to begin direct talks.
I believe in peace and I will die for it.
dimanche, octobre 15, 2006
BIZERTA 1963 * 2006

My beloved town, Bizerta is celebrating the 43th anniversary of the evacuation of the last French Soldier. Today, we have already received the President Ben Ali and many officials and citizens. It is a moment during which we remember all those who lost their lives in order to bring us independence and dignity. May they rest in Peace.
Litahya Tounes * Litahya El Joumhouriyya
I know that for many of you this is the most stupid question they ever heard. However I believe that it is time for asking such question. WHY DO WE HATE THE USA? I challenge you that no body is knowing the answer. According to my experience with people, I have noticed that their opinions regarding to the USA are very confused. The only thing that all of us agree on is that the US policy toward our region specially in the Middle East and regarding to the conflict with Israel, is unfair. I know that many of you will remind me of Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, Myanmar, and many more. Let me tell you, that we shall not blame the Americans or the Israelis for what is happening to us! We share them the responsibility of what is happening to us! We must stop playing the role of the victim.
People who are dying in Iraq are the Iraqis, killed by Iraqis. May be tens of US and British soldiers are being killed per month, but hundrerds of Iraqis are being killed per day!
I believe that it is rather to the Iraqis to build their country then killing them selves. It is said that an Iraqi federal state is a threat. Yes, it is threat because it will be governed by Arabs! USA, Brazil, Australia, India, Russia, Germany, Mexico, Argentina, Malysia are federal countries; Italy, Spain, UK are countries with given-power to the regions. All these countries, despite the multi race which are living in, they have maintained their unity. Why a federal state could not succeed in Iraq?
Why to hate the USA, although we want wearing Levis' jeans, eating hamburger, drinking Coca Cola or Pepsi, visiting the States, watching US movies, listening to US singers and music and in some arabic countries using the US Dollar? We like all of these, but when talking about freedom of speech, democracy, voting, and human rights, we start being humilated!
Why should we blame the USA because of it is policy specially after the 9/11?
They are trying to protect their country and it is their right! Many of you do not know what the hell does it mean live in terror! When I have been in New York, I have been notified of a probable terrorsit attack in NYC subway. I have lived in terror and I felt what does it mean to be in danger.
Why blaming the others because of our stupid strategy?
The 9/11 are terrorsit attacks, no one can change my judgement of that! It was the date that changed the world to the worst and that served our ennemies' policy.
It is better to correct oneself before blaming the others.
Hating the US will not solve the problem. I am convinced that we rae facing a common threat and a common ennemy: TERRORISM and we shall try, each one of us from its side, to build bridges of communication between civilisations.
samedi, octobre 14, 2006




Looking to the presidential palace from Sidi Bou Said mountain, you may feel the security, safety, dignity and an absolute calm. I entered the presidential palace of Carthage in 2003. These days I am asking myself , why do not the authorities open the doors of the palace to the public? I think it will be great to visit the palace which is one of Carthage's monument. The palace witnessed the end of the Monarchy, the out of El Bey and his family from a back door after the annoucement of the Republic in 1957, it witnessed then the build of the modern and independent Tunisia with the late leader Habib Bourguiba and then the change with President Ben Ali and the look for a better future. I believe that it will be great if the public discover what is behind the doors of the palace like when visiting Buckingham Palace, the palace of Versailles, L'Elysée or the white House. The entrence to the palace will then bring funds to it. What do you think?
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